The Doctoral Program in Mining and Geo-resources engineering focuses on a multidisciplinary, advanced, and comprehensive approach to scientific or technological issues involved in the life cycle of a mineral resource. The research will preferentially concern the fundamental understanding of the basic processes that support the sciences and technologies involved in the application of engineering principles to the Earth Sciences.
The students will develop their thesis research from the first year onwards, under the orientation of a supervisor. According to their previous curriculum, students may be obliged to attend specialized courses, either in normal or tutorial regimes on advanced topics of interest to their research topic.
Research should include innovative aspects (or themes, methodologies, or conclusions) that represent a contribution to the development of the scientific or technological knowledge within the domain in which it is inserted.
The overall objectives of the doctoral program in Mining Engineering and Geo-resources are the following:
-Systematic and in-depth understanding in a particular area of Mining engineering and Geo-resources, particularly in large areas of Geo-sciences, Geo-engineering, the Geo-resources, and Geo-environment;
-Development of skills to conceive, design, adapt, and perform original research of high quality and worthy of dissemination in publications with peer review system;
-Development of skills to analyze, synthesize and interpret complex scientific information;
-Development of entrepreneurship and innovation capabilities.
The completion of the Doctoral Program in Mining and Geo-Resources Engineering allows students to acquire the knowledge, capacities and skills to train as a highly qualified technician for medium and large companies and state bodies; Research and innovation:
– Ability to perform the following functions: a) teaching in higher education, b) conducting and carrying out scientific research; c) industrial and/or administrative activities of coordination, supervision and innovation;
– Ability to integrate interdisciplinary research, innovation and development teams;
– Acquire practice in the use of rigorous research methodologies best suited to their nature;
– Ability to lead using socially responsible cultural and ethical standards.
The research focuses on topics related to the life cycle of mineral resources:
- The availability of minerals
- Prospection and recognition
- Mining project
- Study of potential environmental impacts
- The exploitation of mineral deposits
- Ore processing
- The disposal, treatment, and recycling of mineral wastes
- Decommissioning, closure, and abandonment
- Geo-environmental technologies and still on any supporting science or technology such as geostatistics, rock mechanics, geophysics, etc.
CERENA – Centro de Recursos Naturais e Ambiente
LAETA – Laboratório Associado em Energia, Transportes e Aeronáutica