Events Archive


Intercultural FEUP Fest
May 21st, 2024 |  FEUP

This initiative, a partnership between iPoint – FEUP’s Intercultural Contact Point and the student organisation InterUP, aims to help raise awareness among the entire academic community about the importance of interculturality, both individually and collectively.


World Cookbook Book Launch
January 31st | FEUP Coffee Lounge

As part of the “Orientation Days” initiative taking place at FEUP from 29 January to 2 February, the “World Cookbook” was launched on 31 January, a project by iPoint – Intercultural Contact Point, showcasing international cuisine through a series of recipes provided by the Faculty of Engineering community.

Integration Week (Orientation Days)
January 29th to February 2nd, 2024 |  FEUP

From 29 January to 2 February, the first edition of the welcome week for the 2023/2024 academic year, called “Orientation Days”, took place. This event is aimed at newly-arrived students, for whom we have prepared a range of activities.


December 6st, 2023 | FEUP Coffee Lounge

Integration Week (Orientation Days) Fall Semester 2023/2024
September 4th to September 8th, 2023 | FEUP

From September 4 to 8, the first edition of the welcome week for the academic year 2023/2024 called: “Orientation Days” will take place. This event is aimed at newly arrived students, for whom we have prepared a set of activities.



Intercultural FEUP Fest
May 22nd and 23rd, 2023 | FEUP

This initiative, a partnership between iPoint – Intercultural Contact Point of FEUP and the student organization InterUP, intends to contribute for the awareness of all the academic community about the importance of interculturality, at individual and collective level.

On May 22 and 23, between 12h00 and 14h30, the Central Lawn of FEUP receives an International Gastronomic and Cultural Exhibition with dishes from Africa, South America, Asia and Europe. In parallel, it is possible to appreciate some handicraft pieces from the most diverse regions of the globe.

Integration Week (Orientation Days)
January 30th to February 3rd, 2023 | FEUP

The week started with a welcome session, followed by sessions on various themes: intercultural communication, processes and procedures, computer resources and grants, insurance and financial resources, ending with a crash course in Portuguese and specific training in Revit. In parallel, visits to FEUP (library and laboratories) and to the city of Porto were organised.


November 11th, 2022 | FEUP

MBUILD Integration Week
October 17th to 21st, 2022 | FEUP

From 17th to 21st October, the MBUILD Welcome Week took place, with 14 students from a wide range of countries of origin: Bangladesh, Brazil, Egypt, Iran, Lebanon, Mexico, Pakistan, Portugal and Thailand.

The week started with a welcome session, followed by sessions on various themes: intercultural communication, processes and procedures, computer resources and grants, insurance and financial resources, ending with a crash course in Portuguese and specific training in Revit. In parallel, visits to FEUP (library and laboratories) and to the city of Porto were organised.


Integration Week “Orientation Days
September 5th to 9th, 2022 | FEUP

From September 5th to 9th, FEUP received 203 students: 131 mobility students and 72 national and international degree students (56 MSc and 16 PhD) in the integration week named “Orientation Days”.

This event included initiatives like the intensive course of Portuguese for Foreigners and the volunteering program “FEUP Buddy” and, for the first time, the FEUP Students Association (AEFEUP) organized a welcome sunset to promote the confraternization in a relaxed and informal environment.

Besides the thematic sessions of integration in the campus, the programme also gave the newcomers the opportunity to know better the city of Porto in moments such as the Porto’s night accompanied by ESN (Erasmus Student Network), the tour through the main places of the city and a visit to Paços do Concelho (Town Hall). The networking between students of different nationalities was also guaranteed with the intercultural socialising at Polo Zero, with traditional games, souvenir exchange from different countries, music and sharing of delicacies from their places of origin.



Bike Tour in Asprela Central Park
June 3rd

Invitation to Higher Education Institutions and other entities present at the Asprela Campus in a moment of transversal socializing and relaxation, for a bike ride with various activities.

International Women’s Day
March 8 – 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm – Quinta de Lamas East Lawn

Tamy Rodrigues & Romain Valentino Concert (SICC/IPoint)

Solidarity Workshop (AEFEUP)

Cloth Bag Painting of iconic women’s faces**
**contribution of 2.5 Euros per bag, which reverted in favor of UMAR – União de Mulheres Alternativa e Response

Official welcome session for 2nd semester international students at FEUP
February 25 – FEUP – Grand Auditorium

Solidarity Walk
April 7 – Asprela Central Park

What is your “Tatent”?
May – 6th Floor of the FEUP Library

In the world we live in, it is essential to understand the importance of sharing knowledge between the various people who make up our community, contributing to the personal enrichment of each one and consequently of all of us.

The invitation we addressed to the community resulted in a program of six workshops.

FEUP Cultural Week
May 23, 25 and 27

ACM Training “Intercultural Dialogue”
May 23 from 2 pm to 6 pm

Intercultural Gastronomic Exhibition
May 25 from 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm 

FEUP Central Lawn

Food Trucks – Brazil, Korea, Portugal, Taiwan

African Tale Moment

II FEUP Intercultural Seminar
May 27 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm – Noble Amphitheater B032

2:30 pm – Welcome – FEUP Management
2:40 pm – Dr. Francisco Neves – Director of the Department of Support for Integration and Enhancement of Diversity (ACM)
2:50 pm – Professor Isabel Menezes, Full Professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto and Director of the CIIE – Center for Educational Research and Intervention
15:00 – Professor João Pedro Pêgo, Local Coordinator of the Erasmus + Program, at FEUP
15:10 – Shelsea Denise Jorge Sucumangi alumnus FEUP
15:20 – Q&A

Moderated by – Professor Ana Sofia Guimarães, Pro-Director of FEUP

Bike Tour in Asprela Central Park
June 3rd

Invitation to Higher Education Institutions and other entities present at the Asprela Campus in a moment of transversal socializing and relaxation.

Inauguration of CLAIM FEUP
19th November, 2021 | 14h30 – FEUP Hall of Acts

14.30 Signing of the Cooperation Protocol
. Intervention of the FEUP Director, Professor João Falcão e Cunha
. Intervention of the Secretary of State for Integration and Migrations, Doctor Cláudia Pereira

15.00 Inauguration of CLAIM
. Unveiling of CLAIM FEUP plaque and visit to the new facilities

15.30 Port of Honour
. Cultural Moment – Poetry with a First Name
Declamation of the poem “Immigrant” by Lorenzo Fernandes, International Student of FEUP

II FEUP Welcome Session – Masters and PhD Students
November 8, 2021 | 2.30 pm – FEUP Auditorium

A word of Welcome João Falcão e Cunha
Innovation Unit at FEUP Pedro Coelho
Jointly Supervised PhD and European Doctoral Degree Carla Rocha
Doctoral Research Projects with Enterprises (DoRPE) Marta Rodrigues
Orientation and Integration Office Helena Lopes
iPoint – International Contact Point Ana Carvalho e Ana Paupério

Happy Hour at AEFEUP

Get to know FEUP Library

 13th October, 2021 | 2.30pm | FEUP Library

Visit to the library, its facilities and presentation of the main activities and events organised throughout the year.

Presentation of InterUP and Visit to the Sports Centre of Porto University (CDUP)
20th October, 2021 | 16h00 | Amphitheatre B024 (FEUP)

Presentation of the Student Group InterUP, an association that intends to accompany international students of U.Porto.

17hoo – Luís Falcão Pavilion

Presentation of CDUP
Icebreaker Activity
Team Building activity

FEUP Welcome Session – Masters and PhD Students
October 8, 2021 | 2.30 pm – FEUP Auditorium

A word of Welcome João Falcão e Cunha
Innovation Unit at FEUP Pedro Coelho
Jointly Supervised PhD and European Doctoral Degree Carla Rocha
Doctoral Research Projects with Enterprises (DoRPE) Marta Rodrigues
Orientation and Integration Office Helena Lopes
iPoint – International Contact Point Ana Carvalho e Ana Paupério

Walking Tour
3.30 to 5.50 pm

Get to know our Students Association – AEFEUP
Visit to Science and Technology Park of University ofPorto – UPTEC


I Intercultural Seminar at FEUP
May 21st, 2021

To mark the World Day of Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development, the Faculty of Engineering of the U.Porto (FEUP), through iPoint – Intercultural Contact Point, joins the Espaço T Association and launches the I Intercultural Seminar of FEUP, to be held on May 21, 2021. In order to promote and share the values of cultural diversity, the session will take place in the FEUP Auditorium, at 16h00, with live broadcast on Youtube FEUPTV channel.

The initiative aims to raise awareness and make known the importance of diversity and inclusion, within the richness of world cultures, as strategic priorities for sustainable growth and development at social and cultural levels.

The first panel of the event, dedicated to “Social Interculturality”, will have the participation of Pedro Calado, Deputy Director of the Gulbenkian Sustainable Development Program, and Cláudia Costa, Head of the Municipal Division of Social Network Management of the Porto City Hall, representing the Project of Municipal and Intercultural Mediators of Porto.

In a second moment, “Interculturality in Higher Education” will be introduced, with the presence of Amélia Lopes, Full Professor of the Faculty of Psychology and Education Science of the U.Porto (FPCEUP), president of the Scientific Council and vice-director of the Center for Research and Educational Intervention of FCPEUP, and Catarina Castro, Assistant Professor of FEUP and Coordinator of Mobility of the Integrated Masters in Mechanical Engineering of the institution. The themes to be addressed focus on the importance of adopting measures to support interculturality through actions that combat polarization and stereotypes, contributing to the enrichment of the academic community.

The initiative ends with the presentation of the Casa do Mundo – Porto Intercultural, a project born from the hands of the Espaço t Association, a space where the richness of heterogeneity shows a differentiating and inclusive character. The “t” means everyone: an open space that uses art as a tool to develop artistic, personal, social, cultural and formative skills, promoting the inclusion of all.

With Casa do Mundo – Intercultural Porto a space is created where a wide range of institutions and associations work with different areas and audiences for interculturality, the inclusion of immigrant communities, the awareness and acceptance of migration and the fight against discrimination and xenophobia.

Streamed live (portuguese only): 

Valuing Knowledge
April 26, 2021

In an economy driven by knowledge and increasingly based on innovation and interculturality, Intellectual Property represents an extremely important competitive factor and an indispensable contribution to the process of economic and social development. Based on this premise, the FEUP community is invited to debate the role of Intellectual Property in the path of innovation and creativity, with the participation of André Fernandes (U.Porto Innovation Department), Luís Humberto Ferreira (Patentree Administration), in a conversation moderated by Pedro Coelho (FEUP Research and Innovation Support Unit).

Streamed live (portuguese only):

Reflections on Sustainability
April 22, 2021

As part of the commemoration of Earth Day, the iPoint – Intercultural Contact Point of the Faculty of Engineering of the U.Porto (FEUP) promotes a reflection on sustainability, taking place on April 22, at 14:30, online.
In an informal conversation with several speakers linked to sustainability and the environment, there will be the opportunity to know the most diverse initiatives of the Commission for Sustainability of FEUP and the Sustainable Campus Network. This is a network of cooperation between people from national higher education institutions (HEI) for the implementation of the principles and practice of sustainable development in environmental, social and economic aspects.

Streamed live (portuguese only): 

Sports Practice for Development and Peace
April 6, 2021

April 6th is the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace.
Based on the premise that sport promotes universal values, such as inclusion, which transcend language and culture, iPoint intended with this initiative to challenge the whole community to reflect on the importance of sport as an inclusive practice, to consolidate a lasting peace based on respect and dialogue, through an informal conversation between our guests.
In partnership with CDUP, the event concluded with an online sports activity for a greater physical and mental well-being.

Streamed live:

Webinar | Engineering: Female Name
March 8th, 2021

o mark the International Women’s Day, iPoint promoted, in partnership with AEFEUP, a session that worked as a moment of sharing and debate among women with successful careers and that, at the same time, have family logistics to manage and guide.

Invited Speakers:

Arminda Alves, Full Professor DEQ, FEUP
Maria do Carmo Pereira, Assistant Professor DEQ, FEUP
Irina Ramos, – Chemistry Degree, FEUP
Ana Carla Madeira, Head of the Sustainability Commission of FEUP
Ana Pires, Researcher at INESCTEC

Streamed live (portuguese only):

Webinars Portuguese Culture

The International Day of the Mother Language was celebrated on February 21 and iPoint – could not let this date pass in silence. Intended for the FEUP International Community, a cycle of webinars was launched, divided into two sessions, with the aim of providing students with some knowledge of the Portuguese language and culture and with experts in the field.

February 22, 2021
Portuguese Culture I – Language and Culture

Invited Speakers:

Maria Clara Barros, FLUP
Paula Almeida, FLUP

Streamed live:

February 26, 2021
Portuguese Culture II – Gastronomy and Tourism

Invited Speakers:

Olga Cavaleiro, ESHTP
José Henrique Mourão, ISCET

Streamed live:

Cycle of seminars promoting the well-being of university students

From a partnership between iPoint (Intercultural Contact Point of FEUP) and AEFEUP Students Association, emerged this cycle of online seminars that aimed to strengthen students’ skills. We wanted to give them tools to face diversity and change… so they can create their own life project in a positive and participative way.
Topics covered: xenophobia, racism, equality and gender identity, sports, food, spirituality, and mental health.

1st Session – November 27th, 2020
Dimensions of well-being of university students :: Xenophobia
“Respecting boundaries is not a lack of humor”

Guest Speakers:
Hugo Van der Ding
Marta Pereira SOS Racism

Streamed live:

2nd Session – December 04, 2020
Dimensions of well-being of University Students :: Culture Shock
“You have to leave the Island to see the Island”

Guest Speakers:
Neil Mason, Coach and Intercultural Facilitator
Luiz Henrique Vasconcelos – International Student of the MIEM at FEUP, and co-founder of the student organization InterUp.

Streamed live:  

3rd Session – December 11, 2020
Dimensions of University Students’ well-being :: Equality and Gender Identity
“Having an open mind may not completely disarm prejudice, but it’s a good start”

Guest Speakers:
Carmo Gê Pereira
LGBT Viseu

Streamed live: 

4th Session – December 14, 2020
Dimensions of well-being of University Students :: Sports and Food

Guest Speakers:
Nilton Bala, personal trainer of public figures
Alexandre Moreira, Strength & Conditioning Coach
Joana Rebelo, Nutritionist

Streamed live:

Session 5 – December 18, 2020
Dimensions of Well-Being in University Students :: Spirituality and Mental Health
“Open minds cultivate healthy souls”

Guest Speakers:
Paulo Borges, Professor of philosophy and meditation
Daniel Guerreiro, PortugalMental
Diana Carvalho Pereira , author of the podcast “the mind also hurts”

Streamed live:

3rd PUBhD Anniversary gala
January 30th, 2020

On the evening of January 30, 2020, FEUP’s Coffee Lounge hosted the 3rd PUBhD anniversary gala, a commemorative session with the participation of Cindy Christensen (PhD in Digital Media/FEUP), who approached the theme ‘User Experience’; Juliana Alves (PhD in Museology/FLUP), who brought to the debate ‘Museology’ and José Raimundo, with ‘Design and Literacy’.