Free Times
“Free time does not mean rest. Rest, like sleep, is mandatory. True free time is just the freedom to do what we want, but not to remain idle.” George Bernard Shaw
Students Associations
The associative spirit helps to develop solidarity, the feeling of belonging, of inclusion, the spirit of mutual help, among many other dimensions of human development; becoming strategic in community building, especially a college, more comprehensive, tolerant and socially just.
The Students Association of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, AEFEUP, has already existed for more than 35 years and has as its center of action the promotion and defense of the rights of students, giving them a voice on educational policy discussions of higher education.
In order to best articulate their agendas, AEFEUP, as an internal structure, is divided into 4 areas:
Its responsible for the requalification and all interventions in the AEFEUP building, as well as providing logistical support to all other departments. The general secretariat also emerged from an internal restructuring at AEFEUP in which it was characterized by a greater focus on external communication from AEFEUP having thus been able to improve AEFEUP’s digital communication with the academic community.
In the area of “Activities” there’s the recreational and cultural department. AEFEUP also organizes countless recreational and cultural events throughout the year so that students can abstract themselves from routine and problems, live together and strengthen the friendships that they will carry throughout their lives.
Educational Policy:
AEFEUP believes in the importance of complementing the student’s curriculum path through courses, workshops and engineering competitions, thus giving them transversal skills. They also promote students’ early contact with the business community through job fairs and consultancy projects.
Sport, Social Action and Welness:
The “Sport, Social Action and Wellness” portfolio emerges as a separate portfolio in the academic year 2020/2021, the result of AEFEUP’s awareness that the physical and psychological well-being of FEUP students has an influence on their academic career. They promote the practice of formal and informal sports throughout the year in a wide range of modalities.
Extracurricular Activities
One of the main objectives of extracurricular activities is to encourage students to get in touch with projects that enrich their knowledge and value social, professional, cultural and human growth. In this way it is possible to acquire complementary training to the curricular training and to live essential experiences for your professional future.
The job market requires professionals to be able to participate in new experiences to differentiate themselves. Therefore, it is essential that university students take advantage of these activities, especially when they take place within the universities themselves.
At FEUP, in addition to curricular training, students have access to a set of extracurricular activities that contribute to their enrichment, both as people and as professionals.
Access this link to see the wide range of activities that FEUP and U. Porto provide all students.