Date: 8/6/201717h-18h30
Location: FEUP, B032

Chair: Américo Azevedo

Keynote Speaker: 
Jorge Portugal (COTEC-Portugal)


NOTE: This session will be held in Portuguese




Pitch ‘PhD Alumni from FEUP in Companies’

Date: 9/6/2017, 14h30-15h30
Location: FEUP, Auditorium
Chair: António Ferreira | FEUPs President of the Scientific Committee
Invited speakers:

  • Clara Sá Couto | Hovione (Doctoral Program in Refining, Petrochemical and Chemical Engineering)
  • Daniel Pereira | IS4H (Doctoral Program in Biomedical Engineering)
  • Maria José Ferreira | Centro Tecnológico do Calçado (Doctoral Program in Environmental Engineering)
  • Miguel Franco | Schmitt Elevadores LDA (Doctoral Program in Engineering and Industrial Management)
  • Paula Gomes | I-SENSIS (Doctoral Program in Chemical and Biological Engineering)
  • Pedro Mota  | Synopsys (Doctoral Program in Electrical and Computer Engineering)
  • Pedro Pacheco | BERD (Doctoral Program in Civil Engineering)
  • Pedro Paiva | Frezite (Doctoral Program in Mechanical Engineering)


Keynote Lecture ’Post-academic careers for PhD holders’

Date: 9/6/2017, 15h30-16h00
Location: FEUP, Auditorium
Speaker: Filipa Moraes | Ciência Clara


Round Table ’PhDs in Companies’

Date: 9/6/2017, 17h00-18h00
Location: FEUP, Auditorium
Chair: Sebastião Feyo de Azevedo

Keynote Speaker:
Minister of Economy, Doutor Manuel Caldeira Cabral

Speakers Pannel:

  • Carlos Gonçalves | Diretor de Relações Humanas, CONTINENTAL MABOR
  • Carlos Martins de Andrade | Diretor, GALP
  • João Serrenho | CEO, CIN
  • Paulo Araújo | Head of Technology, Process Eng and Development, CUF-QI
  • Rita Serra | Talent Acquisition Manager, SONAE

João Falcão e Cunha (FEUPs Dean)


The ‘PhDs in Companies’ plenary session was organized by FEUPs members of the PEP-UP – PhDs Enhanced for Prospects project consortium.
PEP-UP project: 2014-1-FR01-KA203-008520 was financed by ERASMUS+
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