Guidelines for Presenters
Oral Presentations
Duration for the formal oral presentations is 20 minutes, followed by a 5 minutes Q&A. The presentation schedule will be strictly enforced by each Session Chair. Session Chairs will be available in the presentation venue in the interval before their session. Presenters should introduce themselves to the Session Chair in the interval before their session and ensure that all necessary presentation materials are in place well before the session starts.
Speaker Biography
To aid speaker introduction by the session chair, please complete the speaker biography and hande it to the session chair before your session.
Available Presentation Equipment
The following equipment will be provided in each venue:
- PC/Notebook with Microsoft Powerpoint, linked to a data projector. If you wish to use Powerpoint, please bring your presentation either on disk or pen drive.
- Laser pointer
- Overhead projector /Non-permanent color pens
- Wireless microphone
Suggestions for Presenters
- Please ensure that presentation duration has been carefully checked. You can contact the OC if you need any assistance.
- Find an opportunity in advance of your presentation to familiarise yourself with the venue and podium environment.
- Provide your presentation, at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the session, though preferably well in advance.
- A member of the conference committee will be available to help, in each presentation venue throughout the conference.
- Consider including slide page numbering and/or a presentation thermometer to indicate the progress of the presentation.
Poster Presentations
A poster stand of approximate size 2m x 1m is available, you can bring your A0 (3ft wide by 4ft high) poster and mount it on the poster board. Presenters are asked to provide their posters to a member of the organising committee on arrival, at registration. Posters will be mounted by pins, sticky tapes assisted by our staffs. Authors are requested to be available at their poster stand throughout their poster session. The poster presentation area is just outside the main room.