Call For Papers
Authors are invited to submit original contributions in English including,
but not limited to, the areas of interest mentioned below.
Submission must be uploaded
to the ARC website and identify the format of the contribution as either:
- Long Papers: (12 pages maximum) which should include mainly accomplished results (oral presentation)
- Short Papers: (6 pages maximum, or 8 pages max. upon payment of additional charge of 50 EUR per extra page) to be composed of work in progress or reporting recent developments (poster presentation)
The format of the paper should be according to the Springer-Verlag LNCS Series
format rules as described here.
Call for Papers (PDF)
Authors are invited to submit original contributions in English on a wide variety of topics related to applied reconfigurable computing, including but not limited to those listed below.
Applied RC Design Methods & Tools
- High-Level Compilation
- Simulation
- Estimation Techniques
- Design Space Exploration
- Programming Languages and paradigms for reconfigurable computing
- Run-Time Systems
- Compilation and Synthesis
Applied RC Applications
- High-Performance Systems
- Embedded Computing
- Robotics
- Digital Signal Processing
- Safety and Mission Critical Systems
- Biomedical
- Other
Applied RC Architectures
- Fine-grained and Mixed-grained
- Multi-processor-based
- Embedded Multi-Core
- Reconfigurable Fabric Architectures
- Resilient through Reconfiguration
- Fabric Architectures
- System Architectures and Integration
- Other
Critical Issues in Applied RC
- Teaching Reconfigurable Computing
- Surveys and Future Trends
- Benchmarks