16-18 October 2019

Porto, Portugal



All submissions should be written in English.

Extended abstracts (for submission): 2 to 10 A4 pages in one column must be considered. The abstract must provide authors’ name and affiliation, should also include a title and keywords and be submitted in Adobe Acrobat pdf according to the instructions and templates available below.
All extend abstracts submitted will be subjected to a review process by two members of the conference scientific committee.

Full papers: Up to 10 A4 pages in one column will be considered according to the instructions and templates available below.
Authors should upload a pdf file, source(s) files(s) and consent to publish & transfer of copyright form.

Posters: A2 (vertical format, 420 x 594 mm) size must be adopted (authors can also send their full paper).

Instructions for authors (both for extended abstracts and final papers) here and templates to use can be found here: word template and latex template.
Example: example in docx and pdf

Final Paper (both for oral and poster presentations):
Final papers should be formatted according to the instructions for authors and the required template (both above) and uploaded using the conference management system.

The files to be uploaded are:
1) final paper in pdf,
2) sources of the final paper in a zip/rar file (word or latex files),
3) signed Consent to Publish.

The contributions should be uploaded using the conference management system.