FEUP represents for me the materialization of a dream. Since I was a little girl, I could see myself studying outside my home country, in a college of excellence, and living international experiences. It was then that I discovered the opportunity to make that dream come true with the Faculty of Engineering of the U.Porto (FEUP). In August 2018 I left Brazil and arrived in the city of Porto to start the Chemical Engineering course.

I always liked to be challenged and living alone, away from all my family, and doing a course that is among the top 100 in the world was definitely one of the biggest challenges I ever set myself. The dream of becoming an engineer is not an easy path, it is a course that demands a lot of dedication, but the school offers all the necessary structures for a good learning. The opportunity to learn with such renowned teachers, who teach with so much passion, who teach us to investigate everything and who always make us see how to apply the theories in real situations in the area, is an immense privilege and makes me feel every day more prepared and secure in becoming an engineer who carries with her the name of FEUP.

There are also several student associations with the most diverse purposes and that, for me, is an essential college experience because we learn to work in groups, having contact with knowledge from several areas of knowledge and developing personal skills that are not taught in the classroom. Another incredible opportunity that the faculty offers is to do part of the course in another university of excellence, in another country, through the Erasmus programme, which promotes a unique personal, cultural and academic exchange.

Porto is a unique city with its sky, landscapes and people, which only complements the dream experience that is studying at FEUP, as well as a challenge and a privilege. I am very grateful for this opportunity and I wish everyone could live such a rich experience.