The first International Conference on Durability, Repair and Maintenance of Structures will take place at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP) on the 16th and 17th of March 2023.
This conference will be chaired by Professor Lucas F. M. da Silva (University of Porto, Portugal) and co-chaired by Professor Kenneth Reifsnider (University of Texas at Arlington, USA), Professor António Torres Marques (University of Porto, Portugal) and Professor Masayuki Nakada (Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan).
The focus of this conference is the study of the durability, repair and maintenance processes of engineering structures. Novel research works carried out in various topics within these wider themes will be accepted.
Among the topics covered are:
-corrosion processes and corrosion protection;
-creep failure processes;
-damage and degradation under service loadings;
-diagnostics and prognostics algorithms;
-durability and failure of additively manufactured structures;
-durability in civil engineering applications;
-durability in aerospace applications;
-durability of composite, concretes and metals;
-failure and reliability analysis;
-fatigue testing and characterization;
-hygroscopic behaviour of materials;
-intelligent fault detection;
-long term performance of marine structures;
-maintenance methodologies;
-methodologies for fatigue design;
-repair of composite materials and structures;
-risk assessment and failure detection;
-smart maintenance tools;
-structural health monitoring;
-structural joint durability;
-vibrations and signal processes;
Abstract submission deadline
October 14, 2022
Notification of acceptance to authors
October 28, 2022
Early bird registration deadline
November 11, 2022
Full article submission deadline (not mandatory)
March 16, 2023
Call for papers
Download the abstract template
The abstracts (one-page) should be sent by October 14, 2022 to the organizing committee via email to Please state in the email if you wish an oral or poster presentation.
DURACOSYS Conference has been created by Professors Albert Cardon (VUB – Belgium), Ken Reifsneider (USA) and Hiroshi Fukuda, Tokyo University of Science, Japan.
After the meeting on Durability Analysis of Polymer Based Composite Systems (August 1990 – Brussels) and the Invited International Informal Seminar on Durability Analysis of Composite Systems, in Porto - Portugal, 18-21/7/1993, the following International Conferences took place:
•Progress in Durability Analysis of Composite Systems - Duracosys 95, 16th – 21st July 1995 – Brussels, Belgium;DURACOSYS 2008 - 8th International Conference on Durability of Composite Systems, held at Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Portugal, July 16th – 18th 2008, took place after the death of Prof. Albert Cardon, and paid a Tribute to Him during the Conference. In fact, besides being a co-founder of these Conferences, Prof. Cardon has devoted his life to Durability of Composite Systems and, above all, became an example as a Professor.
Then, the following sequence occurred:
•9th International Conference on Durability Analysis of Composite Systems - Duracosys 2010, Patras, Greece, 12th – 15th September 2010;Sometime has passed and it was felt a need to enlarge the scope of the conference although keeping the focus on durability, but including repair and maintenance processes of engineering structures – DRMS 2023 “Durability, Repair and Maintenance of Structures.
Conference chairmen
Lucas F M da Silva
Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Kenneth Reifsnider
University of Texas at Arlington, USA
António Torres Marques
University of Porto, Portugal
Masayuki Nakada
Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan
Organising committee
Eduardo A. S. Marques
Instituto de Ciência e Inovação em Engenharia Mecânica e Engenharia Industrial, Portugal
Alireza Akhavan-Safar
Instituto de Ciência e Inovação em Engenharia Mecânica e Engenharia Industrial, Portugal
Scientific committee
Alberto D’Amore (University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, Italy)
Ali Fatemi (University of Memphis, USA)
Antonie Grall (Université de Technologie de Troyes, France)
António Mendes Lopes (University of Porto, Portugal)
Chiaki Sato (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
Enrico Zio (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
Fathollah Taheri-Behrooz (Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran)
Filippo Berto (NTNU, Norway)
George Papanicolaou (University of Patras, Greece)
Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot (Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, France)
Jerome Antoni (University of Lyon, France)
Jiann-Wen Woody Ju (University of California, USA)
Keith Worden (The University of Sheffield, UK)
Mahmood Mehrdad Shokrieh (University of Science and Technology, Iran)
Mahmoud Shafiee (University of Kent, UK)
Paul Casto (General Electric, USA)
Ramesh Talreja (Texas A&M University, UK)
Ricardo Carbas (INEGI, Portugal)
Richard Clegg (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)
Robert E. Melchers (The University of Newcastle, Australia)
Rui Miranda Guedes (University of Porto, Portugal)
Shey-Huei Sheu (Asia University, Taiwan)
Yasushi Miyano (Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan)
The best presentation and poster will be elected by a vote of the scientific board members and the winners will receive a free registration in the next edition of the DRMS conference.