The 2022 edition of the Business & Innovation Network (BIN@) annual event took take place in Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais, Brazil), between 18 – 20 October and was titled: BIN@MINAS: The Growth of Innovation Economy. For all the event related details, including the official photos, visit the website binminas.com.
Organised by: In cooperation with:
BIN@MINAS 2022 was, without a doubt, an important innovation event that brought both the state of Minas Gerais and more specifically its capital, Belo Horizonte, to the limelight. Under the spotlight was also the FCJ Venture Builder (Brazil), a multinational company responsible for the event’s successful organisation and finalisation.
The event was an excellent venue for addressing different innovation topics by the representatives coming both from the academia and the private sector, both from Brazil and aborad, thus giving all the delegates an excellent opportunity to share knowledge and best practices, to network, as well as to create partnerships and business opportunities.
If to bring out just few of the key facts & figures, the event counted, for instance, with 525 participants, covered 26 topics under the thematic blocks of Open Sessions, Action Tanks and Workshops, delivered more than 30 hours of produced content and included the interventions of around 60 specialists through various talks, debates and workshops.
In addition to the core programme and activities of the event that followed a fully physical format, also the opportunity of business e-meetings was enabled in order to give the opportunity to startups that were not able to be present physically, but nevertheless aimed to present their company to some of the Corporate Venture Builders (CVB) that are aggregated under the umbrella of FCJ Venture Builder.
One of the highlights of the event was also the signing of the Protocol of Intentions between the representatives of the two institutions present at the event, on the one hand, the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (Portugal), founder of the BIN@ network, and on the other, FIRJAN (Brazil), an organisation that represents all the industries of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and that shall be organising the next annual event of the network.
WHITE PAPER (download here)
Additionally, and perhaps most importantly, the key topics covered during BIN@MINAS, have been joined into a 2nd edition of BIN@ White Papers “Building Blocks for the Future”, a publication that has become one of the main outputs of this annual open innovation event.
In this White Paper, you can find the reflections of invited specialists who contributed with their expertise to the underlying theme of the event ‘The Growth of Innovation Economy’. This White Paper contains 9 different and relevant innovation topics from the following areas: nanotechnology of the soil; design under context; transition to low-carb energy and decarbonization; environmental, social, and governance (ESG) framework; conscious capitalism; sustainable mobility and energy transition; organizational culture; open finance; metaverse.
We are thankful to everyone that was involved in this process and would, thus, like to leave the following acknowledgements:
Talks (contributors) |
Diego Siqueira (Quanticum) |
Júlio Martins (Everythink) |
António Harley Anselmo (AHRPI Consultoria) |
Tatiana Araújo (Alter Content) |
Francine Póvoa (ICCB) |
Janayna Bhering Cardoso (Fundep-UFMG SF) |
Ricardo Yogui (YOGUI Ventures & PUC-Rio) |
Tiago Aguiar (TecBan S.A.) |
Isaac Ivanoff (Metanext Ventures) |
Preparation of the White Paper
Design and compilation:
Júlio Martins, João Petiz and the team

Event organisation | impetus and coordination of the White Paper:
Flávia Guerra, Justino Alves

Impetus and coordination of the White Paper
Pedro Coelho