Welcome to Dasip 2018
10 - 12 October 2018
The Conference on Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing
IEEE Proceedings are now online
Best paper and best demo awards have been announced
DASIP 2019 will be held in Montréal, Canada, 16-18 October
Dasip provides an inspiring international forum for latest innovations and developments in the field of leading edge embedded signal processing systems. The conference program will include keynote speeches, contributed paper sessions, demonstrations, and special sessions on timely topics.
Important dates (all 23:59 A.O.E.):
Springer Journal of Signal Processing Systems (JSPS):
The authors of DASIP2018 best papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their work to the JSPS special issue.
The scope of the meeting includes, but is not limited to:
- Design Methods and Tools
- Design verification and fault tolerance
- Embedded system security and security validation
- System-level design and hardware/software co-design
- High-level synthesis, logic synthesis, communication synthesis
- Embedded real-time systems and real-time operating systems
- Rapid system prototyping, performance analysis and estimation
- Formal models, transformations, algorithm transformations and metrics
- Development Platforms, Architectures and Technologies
- Embedded platforms for multimedia and telecom
- Many-core and multi-processor systems, SoCs, and NoCs
- Reconfigurable ASIPs, FPGAs, and dynamically reconfigurable systems
- Overlay architectures, languages and compilers
- Memory system and cache management
- Asynchronous (self-timed) circuits and analog and mixed-signal circuits
- Custom embedded architectures and systems
- Deep learning architectures for inference and training
- Systems for autonomous vehicles : cars, drones, ships and space applications
- Smart cameras, security systems, behaviour recognition
- Data Center processing : special routing, configurable co-processors and low energy considerations
- Real-time cryptography, secure computing, financial and personal data processing
- Computer arithmetic, approximate computing, probabilistic computing, nanocomputing, bio-inspired computing
- Biological data collection and analysis, bioinformatics
- Personal digital assistants, natural language processing, wearable computing and implantable devices
- Global navigation satellite and inertial navigation systems
DASIP 2018 is organized with the technical co-sponsorship of CAS