
Submission webpage for CPC'2021

The deadline for abstract submissions is May 21, 2021.
The deadline for abstract submissions has been extended and is now June 4, 2021.

We encourage submission on new and emerging topics and reports on work in progress. Papers may contain previously-published material, but should reflect the authors’ current interest.We encourage submission on new and emerging topics and reports on work in progress. Papers may contain previously-published material, but should reflect the authors’ current interest.

Note that for each submission, it is obligatory (and sufficient) to submit the information regarding the authors, a title, and the abstract of the proposed talk (all in text). However, authors may also attach a PDF file with additional information regarding their talk (e.g., an accompanying report, paper, or presentation).

Abstracts will be evaluated by the organizers with the aim of creating a relevant and balanced programme of talks.

Once accepted, the final contribution should be sent in PDF, in one of the following formats:

If you already have your paper in some another format that could be used in the informal proceedings that is also fine. If you are presenting work based on a paper that has already been published in a journal or conference proceedings, please provide a preliminary author version of the paper, rather than the published version.

For all general questions related to the CPC 2020 workshop, please contact