University of Porto
Scientist in charge (project coordinator)
Dr Tiago Sotto Mayor
Transport Phenomena Research Centre
Engineering Faculty of Porto University
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal
Dr Tiago Sotto Mayor is Principal Investigator in the Transport Phenomena Research Centre, at the Engineering Faculty of Porto University (CEFT/FEUP). His expertise includes Fluid Mechanics, Heat and Mass Transfer, Thermal Physiology and Modelling & Simulation of Transport Processes. With experience in management of several national and international research initiatives, he is the coordinator of the H2020 project SmartHELMET and scientist-in-charge in the H2020 projects ICI-THROUGH, HEAT-SHIELD and SPRINT. His research bridges different fields of science (e.g. Engineering, Biology, Physiology or Materials Science), with a focus on the modelling and simulation of transport processes at different scales (e.g. motion and mass exchanges of bacteria, mass transport processes at micro-scale, transport problems within and around the human body, or the performance of smart products used for body protection). He is the author of over 40 scientific publications in international peer-reviewed journals and conferences, and, in collaboration with several academic institutions, has supervised over 15 Master and PhD theses.
KU Leuven
Scientist in charge
Prof. Jean-Marie Aerts
Laboratory Measure, Model & Manage Bioresponses (M3-BIORES)
Division Animal and Human Health Engineering
Department of Biosystems, KU Leuven
Kasteelpark Arenberg 30
B-3001 Leuven, Belgium
Jean-Marie Aerts is professor at the KU Leuven (former Catholic University of Leuven). He holds a Master of Science degree in Bio-engineering and a PhD in Applied Biological Engineering (2001) from the KU Leuven. As postdoc he has been visiting researcher at the Engineering Department of Lancaster University and at the Institute of Biomedical Engineering of the University of Oxford. Currently, he is heading the division Animal & Human Health Engineering of the Department of Biosystems at the KU Leuven. His research focuses on data-based mechanistic modelling of biological systems as a basis for developing real-time monitors and controllers for human health applications with a special interest in applications related with energy metabolism. He is (co-)author of 80 over publications in international peer reviewed journals and co-inventor of 10 international patents. Furthermore, Jean-Marie Aerts has also experience in valorising scientific research in collaboration with industrial partners via product development.
University of Strasbourg
Scientist in charge
Dr Rémy Willinger
Professeur des Universités at Strasbourg University
Laboratoire des Sciences de L’Ingenieur
de L’Informatique et de L’Imagerie 2, rue Boussingault F-67000
Strasbourg, France
Dr Rémy Willinger is a Professor at the University of Strasbourg. Since 1992, it is managing a research team which has now reached a dimension of fifteen persons including five permanent researchers working on Impact Biomechanics. His activity ranges from biological tissues identification and modelling to human body characterization followed by lumped and distributed modelling. Physical modelling i.e. dummy development is also part of his research. Once validated the numerical and physical models are used for theoretical and experimental accident reconstruction in order to derive tolerance limits relative to specific injury mechanisms. Human models are also coupled to protective systems in order to optimise them in respect to biomechanical criteria. Most of his work addresses the skull-CSF-brain complex. From 1999 he has extended his interest to cervical column injury investigation that leads him to initiate a new neck modelling effort. He has a wide experience in contract management with industry, French research programs (PREDIT, ANR) and EU projects (CHILD, APROSYS, APSN, PASSEPORT, CASPER, ADSEAT).
Ms. Georgia Ntina is a Project Manager with BME, overseeing all administrative activities as well as leading the Project Management of the smartHELMET project.
Dr Guido De Bruyne holds a PhD in Bioscience Engineering from KU Leuven, for a project titled “Heat loss of the human head under bicycle helmets, for designing safer bicycle helmets”. Guido De Bruyne is the Research Manager of Lazer Sport since 2011, and an Associate Professor at the University of Antwerp since 2013, where he chairs the research group of product development. Additionally, he is member of the board of directors of Flanders Bike Valley, a SME-driven consortium that aims to stimulate long term research and development between industrial companies active in the cycling industry. He is specialized in bridging (fundamental and applied) research with product development.
Centre for Technology Research and Innovation
Scientist in charge
Giannis Spyropoulos
Senior Researcher, Biomechanical Engineer & LEAR.
Mechatronics & Health group
Center for Technology Research and Innovation Ltd
K Paparigopoulou 15, 3106 Limassol, Cyprus
Giannis Spyropoulos has a degree in sports and exercise science from University of Thessaly. With a Master degree from the same University, he is about to finish his PhD in Biomechanics field. He has substantial experience in the proposal preparation and implementation of several research projects. He is the Legal Entity Appointed Representative (LEAR) of CETRI Ltd since 2010 and acts, since 2013, as Financial Manager and Project Manager in 2 FP7, 2 H2020 MC projects and 1H2020 RIA project.