Provide in-depth knowledge of physics combined with enginnering creative applications to develop efficient tools for a sustainable and high demanding technological world.
The mission of the Engineering Physics doctoral program is based on a transversal formation with competencies for design, research and innovation, with humanistic values, with a systemic approach for solving society needs and problems, contributing to the defense of the environment. PRODEF is directed to all students, including a fast and flexible response to several master's courses in relation with Enginnering Physics. PRODEF training is based on research and development with the aim of developing the autonomy and capacities of students as researchers in an academic or bussiness environment. Maintaining a connection to fundamental physics, the approach of this doctoral program is distinguished from others by the transversality and multidisciplinarity of several areas like Advanced Instrumentation, Advanced Materials, Aerospacial Engineering, Applied Biophysics, Energy Storage and Harvest Physics or Photonics and Optoelectronics. Aditionally, PRODEF students obtain resilience, creativity and adaptability to answer to the present demands, while working on sustainable solutions for the future.
"To bring research-informed knowledge and dynamic learning for complex global solutions."
"Practicing science with socio-environmental responsability for a long-term impact in modern society."
"To bring people with different experiences and identities to contribute to broad perspectives."
"To develop sustainable science to solve complex and global problems."
"Put the responsibility of learning at the hands of the learners themselves."
"Through recruiting, retaining, and supporting innovative faculty."