FEUP (Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto) is set to host an exciting event for engineering enthusiasts: The Doctoral Congress of Engineering (DCE). As part of the DCE, ProDEF is organizing the Symposium on Engineering Physics. The symposium is scheduled to take place in person on the 15th and 16th of June of 2023.
The Engineering Physics Symposium will bring together researchers, students, and professionals in the field of engineering physics to discuss cutting-edge advancements, breakthrough research, and innovative ideas in the field.
This year's symposium promises to be a thought-provoking and engaging event, with a diverse range of speakers and topics. Attendees can expect to hear talks on topics such as nanotechnology, quantum physics, materials science, harvesting and renewable energies, and much more.
In addition to the lectures, there will be opportunities for attendees to network, share their own research, and explore the latest technology in the field of engineering physics. The symposium will be a great opportunity for anyone interested in the field to meet and learn from like-minded individuals, and to gain new insights and perspectives on the latest advancements in engineering. Moreover, the Engineering Physics Symposium is also accepting abstract submissions for oral or poster presentations until March 31st. Those enrolled in a doctoral or master's degree or involved in a scientific project can showcase their latest findings and receive valuable feedback from peers. Moreover, there is the possibility of the selected works to be part of the Special Issue of U.Porto Journal of Engineering.
Don't miss this opportunity to share your work with fellow engineering physics enthusiasts and join us on 15th and 16th at FEUP!
For more information on submission guidelines and deadlines please click here to visit the symposium's website!