Location: FEUP Campus, Porto.
Furthermore, the Research Center for Systems and Technologies (SYSTEC), which currently integrates the Associated Laboratory ARISE – Advanced Production and Intelligent Systems – is hosted at FEUP and in the Institute for Systems and Robotics (ISR).
SYSTEC is organized in four Intervention Vectors:
- CONTROL: Systems, control, optimization, estimation and data science.
- NET: Networked Robotic Vehicles and Systems Technologies.
- ENERGY: Smart Energy Systems and Technologies.
- MANUFACTURING: Cyber-Physical Systems for Manufacturing.
Location: FEUP Campus, Porto.
The Laboratory of Smart Grids and Electric Vehicles (SGEV) makes it possible to put into practice the concepts, algorithms and scientific knowledge generated by the Power & Energy Systems cluster. This implementation ranges from elementary prototypes/proof of concept to complete demonstrators installed in the field.
Created in December 2010 (provisional facilities), today 14 researchers from CPES are using the facility.
Location: INESC TEC Building, FEUP Campus, Porto