
Advanced Instrumentation

A significant amount ProDEF professors and students work closely with INESC-TEC on an academic or bussiness context, with several projetcs involving Advanced Instrumentation in different laboratories.

If you are interested in working in the development of cognitive, sensitive, collaborative and safe robot-based automation solutions for manufacturing applications you can get acess to the Laboratory of Industrial Robotics and Automation.

Location: FEUP Campus, Porto.

Furthermore, the Research Center for Systems and Technologies (SYSTEC), which currently integrates the Associated Laboratory ARISE – Advanced Production and Intelligent Systems – is hosted at FEUP and in the Institute for Systems and Robotics (ISR). 

SYSTEC is organized in four Intervention Vectors:

  • CONTROL: Systems, control, optimization, estimation and data science. 
  • NET: Networked Robotic Vehicles and Systems Technologies. 
  • ENERGY: Smart Energy Systems and Technologies. 
  • MANUFACTURING: Cyber-Physical Systems for Manufacturing. 

Location: FEUP Campus, Porto.

The Laboratory of Smart Grids and Electric Vehicles (SGEV)  makes it possible to put into practice the concepts, algorithms and scientific knowledge generated by the Power & Energy Systems cluster. This implementation ranges from elementary prototypes/proof of concept to complete demonstrators installed in the field.

Created in December 2010 (provisional facilities), today 14 researchers from CPES are using the facility.

Location: INESC TEC Building, FEUP Campus, Porto