Conference venue
FEUP (Faculty of Engineering - University of Porto)
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal

If you are arriving by subway (Metro), you should exit at IPO station (walking distance to FEUP).

Note that when travelling from Sá Carneiro airport and from the main train station (Campanhã), there is a SUBWAY/METRO connection, with transboarding in Trindade (Trindade Station) to the IPO station. Information on Metro

Please consult the list of hotels with special rates. To benefit from this, please access the registration area using online facilities

For further information about travel and hotels, please contact:
Ms. Lurdes Catalino
Viagens Abreu, SA - Congress Department-PCO
Av. dos Aliados, nº 207| 4000-067 Porto Portugal
Phone: +351 222 043 573
Fax: +351 222 043 693

Deadline for Submission of Abstracts:
March 9th, 2018

Notification of Acceptance to Authors:
March 31st, 2018

Early bird Registration
April 13th, 2018

Submission of Papers (not compulsory to submit a paper):
July 5th, 2018

Call for Papers
Abstracts Template
Abstracts should be sent electronically to Lucas da Silva at

Registration Form