
Our Curriculum Overview

A Commitment to Excellence

The MAP-tele Doctoral Programme in Telecommunications is structured into two main phases. The first phase, occurring in the fall, encompasses a one-semester curriculum comprising three courses (30 ECTS). Subsequently, there is a research-focused phase lasting 5 to 7 semesters, during which students work on their doctoral thesis (150 ECTS).

The curricular semester features two mandatory courses and one elective course:

  • Seminar (12 ECTS)
  • Thesis Plan (12 ECTS)
  • Optional Learning Unit (6 ECTS)



Seminar includes keynotes delivered by MAP research teams and renowned international scholars, and includes two dedicated modules, one module on Scientific Research Methodologies, and another module on Introduction to entrepreneurship.

Thesis Plan

The Thesis Plan serves as a comprehensive guide for the PhD research, outlining the background and roadmap. This document, typically 30-60 pages, details the chosen research topic, conducts a thorough review of the current state of the field, defines specific objectives and methodologies, and outlines potential contributions along with a roadmap to accomplish them. A jury is assembled to assess the Thesis Plan in a public session. Once approved, the official PhD research officially commences.

Optional Learning Unit

The elective course can be chosen from the set of MAP-tele optional courses, or any 3rd cycle course offered by one of the three universities in the MAP-tele consortium. The latter requires a specific request of the student, which must be supported by the advisor, and approved by the MAP-tele Scientific Committee.

Courses offered in 2023/2024

  • Advanced Topics on Signal Processing
  • Communication Networks
  • Digital Communication Systems
  • Electromagnetic Engineering
  • Information Theory: Principles and Applications
  • Mobile Communication Systems
  • Mobile Computing
  • Optical Communications
  • Optical Networks
  • RF Circuits and Subsystems
  • Wireless Networks