What is Self-Care?

We know that mental health, like physical health, is not something static or something that can only be taken care of with a “magical pill” that solves all the problems.

In order to perform well academically and in life in general, it’s important to invest in yourself and in what’s good for you at all levels.

(Mental) Health requires a continuous act of attention and maintenance, through strategies implemented in different areas of life that allow for overall well-being.

Self-care is made up of strategies that you can and should implement in your day-to-day life, that make you feel better and that are suited to your interests and needs. Basically, it’s about “knowing how to listen” to your body and mind and trying to balance the demands of life with moments that help you regain energy and feel better about yourself!

To find out more about self-care, check out the infographic “Taking Care of Myself” and get concrete strategies on how to apply this way of promoting your well-being in different spheres of your life.

Opportunities at U.Porto

The University of Porto and FEUP have several opportunities for you to get involved in activities and initiatives that can be part of your self-care strategy plan!

Get to know some of them: