Taking care of and continually investing in your well-being and mental health is fundamental to a healthy life!

To do this, it’s very important to be aware of your physical, psychological and emotional state, as well as the possible factors or situations that put you at risk of imbalance, and those that help you overcome obstacles and make you feel better! This process of self-knowledge and monitoring your real internal state allows you to look for and adopt more appropriate and adaptive life strategies.

And you, do you really know how your mental health is?

Sometimes it can be difficult to recognise the symptoms of a disorder. On the other hand, it might be easy to spot the signs that something isn’t right, but you don’t know for sure what’s going on.

First of all, you can start by doing a mental health check-up, using the checklist below. Remember that this list of symptoms does not in itself represent a psychological diagnosis.

In case you have identified warning signs in yourself, or if you have any doubts, investigate more specifically what these signs might mean.

Depression Symptoms

Have you been feeling down, depressed or hopeless most of the time lately? Do you feel less pleasure or interest in doing things you used to enjoy or have an interest in?

If, thinking back over the last month, your answer is “Yes” to any of these questions, it may be a sign that something is going on with you and a specific assessment and counselling can help.

You can assess symptoms of depression using the PHQ-9 test.

If the sum of the points you’ve ticked is higher than 15, you could be dealing with a depressive condition that can be considered moderate to severe, and may impair your functioning. Talk to us, book an appointment.

If you ticked 1 or more on the last item, you should seek help immediately!

The best way to interpret and understand these results and/or clarify any doubts you may have is to talk to a professional specialised in Mental Health. You can talk to us about these and other issues. Book an appointment!

Anxiety Symptoms

Have you been feeling particularly nervous, anxious or irritable recently about things that happen in your day-to-day life or about a particular situation? Has it been difficult to control these worries or stop these thoughts?

If you’ve answered yes to these questions, it may be important to have your anxiety symptoms assessed.

Use the test we suggest: GAD-7.

If the sum of your scores is higher than 10, you may be dealing with moderate to severe anxiety. It’s essential to seek a more exhaustive assessment and support in understanding this result, with the help of a specialised technician.

Talk to us!