When I entered the Chemical Engineering programme at FEUP in 2011, I was far from imagining that FEUP would allow me to obtain such a complete and enriching experience. The curricular units are taught by experienced high quality professors; they bring several times their research experience to the classroom. More than theoretical concepts and mechanisms for solving Chemical Engineering problems you learn how to think. Allied to this, the good facilities of the Department of Chemical Engineering allow students to successfully complement their course with the very important laboratory component.
Studying at FEUP has several benefits: high teaching quality (the rankings prove it), well-equipped departments, and good academic environment within the student community.
When I finished the study programme, I felt quite fulfilled, with the feeling of having made the right choice: FEUP allowed me to acquire the knowledge I was looking for and prepared me for the job market.
Currently, I attend the Doctoral Programme in Chemical and Biological Engineering. For all those who are thinking about joining FEUP I have the following advice: embrace one of the biggest challenges of your life with determination and responsibility. To maximize this experience, all students should make use of the great resources which are made available.