Isabel Ribeiro

Technical Assistant

Isabel Ribeiro has been working at FEUP since 1991 and she currently provides secretarial support to MESG, MIETE, PRODEGI, PDST and, more recently, to PDEPP.

Mónica Silva

Superior Technician

Mónica Silva is a senior superior technician at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management. She is responsible for advising the Head and the Executive Commission of the Department within the following issues: information management, indicators and teacher evaluations.

Soledade Medeiros

Technical Assistant

Soledade Medeiros has been working at FEUP since 1983 and she  provides secretarial support to MIEGI.

Vânia Magalhães

Technical Assistant

Vânia Magalhães has been working at DEGI since April 2019 and her main tasks are support the DEGI secretariat and the teachers.