Alcibíades Paulo Guedes

Associate Professor
Supply Chain Management | Logistics Strategy

He is a specialist in Logistics Strategy and Supply Chain Management, with a Ph.D. and MSc both from Cranfield School of Management and a 5 years degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Oporto. He is an Associate Professor at the Industrial Engineering & Management Department of the University of Porto’s Engineering School, teaching Logistics, Supply Chain Management and Corporate Strategy. He is an invited Professor of Logistics and Supply Chain Management at PBS – Porto Business School, in the MBA, Executive MBA and other Executive Programmes. He is currently the Executive President of the Board of INEGI.

Américo Lopes de Azevedo

Full Professor
Industry Simulation | Computer Programming | Information Systems | Business Process Engineering | Digital Manufacturing | Operations Management

Américo Azevedo is an Associate Professor with Aggregation in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management at FEUP. He is gained large experience in the academic, industrial and consultancy environments.

He teaches in the academic programmes of FEUP and PBS (Porto Business School) and in specific programmes such as EDAM of the MIT-Portugal Program.

His research and teaching focuses on operations management, business processes management and enterprise collaborative networks.

He is head of CESE and Cientific Director of FABTEC.

Ana Maria Camanho

Full Professor
Management Science | Performance Measurement | Data Science 

Ana Camanho is Associate Professor of FEUP. PhD in Industrial and Business Studies from Warwick Business School, UK. The main research area is Management Science, with emphasis on the performance measurement. She is pro-director of FEUP and Director of the Integrated Master in Engineering and Industrial Management of FEUP. She is coordinator of the Data Science area of the MIT-Portugal Program.

António Carvalho Brito

Assistant Professor
Simulation | Computer Programming |Information Systems

PhD in Simulation by Management Department of Cranfield University (UK).

Assistant Professor at FEUP.

António Miguel Gomes

Assistant Professor
Operations Research | Management Science

Assistant Professor at FEUP;

Research interests: Cutting and Packing, Metaheuristics and Mathematical Programming.

Armando Leitão

Assistant Professor 
Maintenance Management | Operations Management | Quantitative Methods

First degree in Mechanical Engineering by FEUP (1982). Master of Science (1984) in Engineering Production and Management and Doctor of Philosophy (1989) in Engineering Production and Management in the scientific area of Quality, Reliability and Maintenance by the University of Birmingham (UK). Research interests are Operations Management and Quantitative Methods, specifically in Reliability and Maintenance field.

Beatriz Brito Oliveira

Assistant Professor
Fleet management| Pricing|Shared mobility

Beatriz Oliveira is a Professor at DEGI-FEUP and a Researcher at INESC TEC. She has a PhD in Engineering and Industrial Management from FEUP and works mainly in Operations Research and Management Science, namely fleet management and pricing in shared mobility systems. Methodologically, she works with optimization, metaheuristics and hybrid approaches, especially under uncertainty.

Bernardo Almada Lobo

Full Professor
Operations Research | Operations Management

Full Professor at DEGI-FEUP. Member of the Board at INESC TEC. Co-founder of analytics company LTPlabs. Member of the Board of Trustees of Fundação Belmiro de Azevedo. Member of Executive Committee of DEGI. Vice-director of the Doctoral Program in Engineering and Industrial Management, FEUP. Certified Analytics Professional from The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences.

Carlos Bragança de Oliveira

Assistant Professor

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt.

Gonçalo Reis Figueira

Assistant Professor

Gonçalo Figueira is a Professor at FEUP and a Researcher at INESC TEC. His research is on supply chain management, with a focus on operational and dynamic problems, such as production scheduling and inventory management. Methodologically, his research is on optimization, simulation and machine learning, as well as their hybridization in paradigms like simulation-optimization and explainable artificial intelligence. In this context, he has participated in several R&D and consultancy projects with various companies in the areas of process industry, discrete manufacturing, logistics, retail and healthcare.

João Claro

Associate Professor
Technology Management & Policy

João Claro is Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering & Management at FEUP and CEO of INESC TEC. He is also Director of the PhD in Engineering & Public Policy at FEUP and Vice-President of the Academic Council and Head of Entrepreneurship & Innovation at Porto Business School. His area of focus is Technology Management & Policy. He holds a PhD in Electrical & Computer Engineering from FEUP.

João Falcão e Cunha

Full Professor
Software Engineering | Information Systems

Dean of FEUP.  Holds a PhD in Computing Science from Imperial College London (1989), a MSc in Operations Research from Cranfield University (1984) and a first degree in Electrical Engineering from the School of Engineering of the University of Porto (1983).

He is a member of the ACM and the IEEE – Computer Society. He has been involved with theoretical and experimental work in Software Engineering and Information Systems for the past 20 years. His research interests include decision support systems, graphical user interfaces, object-oriented modeling and service engineering and management.

João José Pinto Ferreira

Associate Professor
Innovation | Entrepreneurship

Editor of Journal of Innovation Management.
5-year degree in Electrical Engineering and Computers from FEUP ; MSc Electrical Engineering and Computers from FEUP; PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computers from FEUP in 1995. Habilitation (agregação) in 2011.

His current research interests are Front-end of Innovation; Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Social Entrepreneurship.

Jorge Grenha Teixeira

Assistant Professor
Service Design | Customer Experience | Design Science Research

Participated in several national and international multidisciplinary research projects in IT and healthcare. His research interests are focused on designing technology-enabled services and designing innovative methods with design science research. His research has been published in the J. of Service Research, J. of Service Management, I.J. of Medical Informatics and Service Science.

José António de Sousa Barros Basto

Assistant Professor
Production | Industrial layouts | Flexibility

Graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Porto, option Production Management (1986). Provided Pedagogical Aptitude Tests and Scientific Capacity at FEUP (1991). Holds a a PhD in Industrial Engineering and Production Systems from Lehigh University, Pennsylvania, USA (2000). Assistant Professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management of FEUP.

José António Faria

Associate Professor
Business processes engineering | Energy management systems |Project management

José Faria is Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering and Industrial Management of FEUP. He also belongs to the faculty of the Porto Business School where he coordinates the programme on IT Management and teaches courses in quality and business processes management in various other programmes. José Faria is also a member of the Board of the Shared Services Centre of the University of Porto. His main research interest stays in advanced work management systems in knowledge-based organisations. In recent years, he has been intensively involved in industrial projects addressing innovation management, project management, energy and sustainability management.

José Fernando Oliveira

Full Professor
Operations Research | Management Science

Cutting and Packing problems are his main application area, while, methodologically, his research is centered in Metaheuristics and their hybridization with Mathematical Programming. More recently he has worked on optimization in freight transportation, as well as on the integration of pricing and capacity planning decisions in car rental and car sharing problems.

José Luis Borges

Associate Professor
Data Mining | Information Systems

Associate professor at FEUP. Graduation in Mechanical Engineering (1990) and a M.S. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (1994) from FEUP. Ph.D. (2000) in Computer Science from UCL at the University of London.

Main research interests are Data Analysis, Data Mining, Web Usage Mining, Information Systems and Information Visualization.

José P. Coelho Rodrigues

Assistant Professor
Challenges of Technology use| Tech-based business models

José Coelho Rodrigues is Assistant Professor at DEGI-FEUP and Researcher at INESC TEC. He holds a PhD in Industrial Engineering and Management (2016) and a Master in Electrical and Computers Engineering (2008), both from FEUP. He researches in the field of technology management, focusing on the use of technologies by organizations, particularly the processes of aligning the technologies and the organizations adopting them, redesigning business models to explore opportunities driven by the technologies, and diffusing the technologies among several organizations. José has been teaching about entrepreneurship and general management courses and participating in scientific and follow-up committees of graduate and master programmes at UP over the last few years.

Lia Patrício

Associate Professor
ervice design and innovation | Customer experience | Value co-creation | Technology enabled service systems

Lia Patrício is Associate Professor at the University of Porto, where she is the Director of the Master in Service Engineering and Management. Her research focuses on Service Design, Service Innovation and Customer Experience, particularly in Technology Enabled Services, Value Networks and Service Ecosystems. She coordinated the project with the Portuguese Ministry of Health for the design of the National Electronic Health Record and she was Principal Investigator of the Service Design for Innovation Marie Curie – Innovative Training Network. She is Global Faculty Member of the Center for Services Leadership, Arizona State University and Academic Scholar at the Cornell Institute for Healthy Futures.

Luís Guimarães

Associate Professor
Operations Management | Operations Research | Asset Management

Luis Guimarães is a Professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, senior researcher at the Industrial Engineering and Management group of the research institute INESC TEC and co-founder of LTPlabs a management consulting firm. He’s main area of activity is Operations Research/Computer Science. Most of his research is problem-driven and aims to develop advanced analytic solutions to be applied in real-world problems. In this context, he has collaborated in more than 30 industry-based research and consulting projects with various companies in the areas of process industry, transportation, retail and energy.

Henriqueta Sampaio da Nóvoa

Associate Professor

Quality Management and Engineering | Strategic Planning of Information Systems | Service Science

Henriqueta Sampaio da Nóvoa is an Assistant Professor at FEUP – University of Porto, in Industrial Engineering and Management Programs. Her research interests include Strategic Planning of Information Systems, Service Science and Quality Engineering and Management. She has published more than 60 refereed papers in international conferences and scientific journals concerning these topics.

Maria Antónia Carravilla

Associate Professor
Operations Research | Management Science

Associate Professor and Director of the Doctoral Program in Industrial Engineering and Management at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), and Senior Researcher and project leader at the Industrial Engineering and Management Center at INESC TEC.

She is also a lecturer at the Porto Business School of the University of Porto, in the MBA and Executive MBA programs and has been, for several years, Visiting Professor of the University of São Paulo (USP).

Her main scientific activity is in Operations Research and Management Science and most of her research was driven by the needs of industry, services and public administration. The efficient use of resources was her main driver when addressing integrated production problems: I.e. logistics, vehicle routing problems and production planning involving mostly cutting and packing.

Maria Dulce Soares Lopes

Assistant Professor
Financial Management | Project Appraisal

Degree in Economics from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Porto in 1982. Master’s in Management Science from Imperial College London in 1985. PhD in the area of Project Appraisal from Imperial College London in 1990. Lectured since 1982 at the Faculty of Engineering at University of Porto, Department of Engineering and Industrial Management, disciplines in the area of Financial Management and Project Appraisal.

Maria Gabriela Beirão

Assistant Professor
Service ecosystems | Value co-creation | Innovation

Gabriela Beirão (B.S. from University of Aveiro, Master and PhD from University of Porto) is Assistant Professor at Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto. Her research focuses on services, particularly on service ecosystems and value co-creation. She has been involved in several research projects. Her research has been published in Journal of Service Management, Transport Policy, and others.

Maria Teresa Galvão Dias

Associate Professor

Urban Mobility | Intelligent Transport Systems | Human Computer Interaction | Decision Support Systems | Operations Research

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt.

Mário Amorim Lopes

Assistant Professor
Health care management | Health economics | Public policies

Mário Amorim Lopes is an Assistant Professor at Universidade do Porto and a senior researcher at INESC-TEC, collaborating also, as an invited lecturer, with CPBS and ISCTE-IUL. He holds a MSc in Software Engineering, a MSc in Economics and a PhD applied to Health Care Management and Health Economics from University of Porto (cum laude). His research is on healthcare, in particular in healthcare workforce planning, health economics, health care management and health policy. He participated in the European project JA on Healthcare Workforce Planning and Forecasting as an expert, and is currently a core member of the COST Action project RANCARE “Missed nursing care”. He is the project leader/manager for several R&D and consultancy projects with leading healthcare institutions, such as ACSS, Ordem dos Enfermeiros, CHVNG, Medlog, OCP or Glintt. He is also a former member of the Health Parliament Portugal, a member of Associação Portuguesa de Economia da Saúde (APES) and a member of Associação Portuguesa da Investigação Operacional (APDIO).

Marta Campos Ferreira

Assistant Professor
HCI| Service design|Intelligent transport systems

Assistant Professor at Industrial Engineering and Management Department at the Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto (FEUP). Researcher at INESC TEC. Assistant Director of the Master in Services Engineering and Management at FEUP

Holds a PhD in Transport Systems from FEUP (MIT Portugal Program), a M.Sc. in Services Engineering and Management from FEUP and a Lic. in Economics from the Faculty of Economics of University of Porto.

Main research interests include service design, human computer interaction, data science, intelligent transport systems and mobility.

Nuno Soares

Assistant Professor

Market-based Accounting Research | Asset Pricing | Earnings Quality | Earnings Predictability | R&D

Nuno is an Assistant Professor at FEUP and Associate Researcher at CEF.UP. He holds a PhD in Accounting and Finance from the Manchester Business School, with a dissertation on the Accuals Anomaly. Is main research themes are in Management and Finance. He has published several papers in peer reviewed journals and is currently an Associate Editor at the Meditari Accountancy Research.

Pedro Amorim

Full Professor

Operations Management | Operations Research | Retail Operations

Pedro Amorim is an Assistant Professor (with habilitation) at Industrial Engineering and Management Department at FEUP and also an invited professor at Porto Business School, lecturing courses on Operations Management. Since 2016, he is the Head of the Research Center for Industrial Engineering and Management from INESC. In 2014, he co-founded LTPlabs, a analytical-driven consultancy company.

Vera Miguéis

Associate Professor
Data analytics | Machine learning | Forecasting and Marketing

Vera L. Miguéis is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Portugal. She received her Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and Management from the same school. She is a researcher at INESC TEC, and her research interests include data analytics and quantitative methods to support the decision making process. She has been mainly working on analytical customer relationship management and machine learning. She has published papers in several international journals in Computer Science. She is the external relations manager of the Industrial Engineering and Management Master of the School of Engineering of the University of Porto. She is also member of the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Executive Committee.