General information
The presentations for IEMS sessions should be designed for an audience with general scientific knowledge. Hence, the emphasis should be on the motivation, challenges and contributions and not on the methodology and specific techniques.
In order to prepare a good and motivating presentation, we strongly recommend the reading/visualization of the contents in the following links:
Within IEMS, there are three types of sessions. Below, we give specific instructions for each one.
Regular sessions
The presentation should take 15 minutes, plus 5 minutes for questions, in a total of 20 minutes.
Elevator Pitch
The presentation should take at most 3 minutes and will be based on one slide with the elevator pitch that was submitted.
END to END sessions
The presentation should take 20 minutes, plus 10 minutes for questions, in a total of 30 minutes.
Round table
The discussion and debate should take in total 60 minutes.