Former Faculty

José António Sarsfield Cabral

Emeritus Professor

Rui Guimarães

Retired Professor

Full Professor at DEGI/FEUP (1971-2011)

Co-founder and Former President of the Board of Directors INEGI – Institute of Industrial Engineering and Management (1986-1989)

President of the Board of Directors of ISEE – Instituto Superior de Estudos Empresariais, currently Porto Business School (1995-2000)

General Director of COTEC Portugal (2003-2009)

Member of the Board and Vice-President of Fundação de Serralves (2005-2014)

Member of Supervisory Board of BPI (2014-)

José Soeiro Ferreira

Retired Professor

PhD degree in Operational Research from the Technical University of Denmark. Electrical Engineering Degree from FEUP. Research Coordinator at INESC TEC. President (past) of APDIO – the Portuguese Operational Research Society. Scientific and Development activities in Operational Research/Management Science.

Jorge Freire de Sousa

Retired Professor

José Manuel Mendonça

Retired Professor

Manuel Pina Marques

Retired Professor

Manuel Pina Marques is an Assistant Professor in the Industrial Engineering and Management Department at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), with a Ph.D. and a 5 years degree in Mechanical Engineering from the same University.