‘Excellent networking. Science cross different fields creates a great environment for creativity! CONGRATULATIONS, EXCELLENT!’
Event participant
‘In terms of the quality of the speakers and panelists, I think this was one of the best BIN@Congresses I’ve attended since 2018. Congratulations to everyone involved.’
Event participant
‘Great opportunity to tie strong connections with extremlly interesting people!’
Event participant
‘I was very happy and honored to participate in BIN Porto, it was a very enriching experience.’
Event participant
‘You have done a wonderful job. BIN-network is well-working, it is bringing together people with similar mindset and with every participation new horizons will open. Thank you for the invite and very well organized event!’
Event participant
‘As a newcomer to the Bin@Porto I immediately felt like “coming home”. Values, energy, mindset – everything resonates so much with what I, as a passionate networker and circularchangemaker, nourish and implement.’
Ladeja Gošir, Founder and Executive Director at Circular Change
‘BIN@Porto gives us the inspiration to continue with our journey bringing new ideas and people together. It gives us the opportunity to share knowledge and evaluate joint solutions that can be turned into real projects for the next edition.’
Beatriz Luz, Founder at Exchange 4 Change Brasil
A Word about Open Innovation (2010 – 2020 | 10 years of BIN@)
‘The Business and Innovation Network has been a great opportunity for Uruguay. We have developed, from the Universidad de la República, a very fine cooperation with the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto. Thank you, thank you very much for such a great achievement in technology transfer.’
Franco Simini, Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the University of the Republic, Uruguay
A Word about Open Innovation (2010 – 2020 | 10 years of BIN@)
‘…BIN@, a network of universities all over the world, aiming to create a global environment to promote research, innovation and businesses in a three-day annual event…So, since 2010 it’s been a great journey to work and be involved deeply in this amazing network of knowledgeable people that aims to create social and economic impact in the society and in the world. One more thing that I would like to address and that makes me very-very proud, was that I was awarded as being the “Champion of the Year 2018” by this incredible network. That brought me more responsibility, commitment and dedication for the next, at least, 10 years of BIN@.’
Clara Conçalves, Co-founder / Head of Partnerships and Strategy at Inductiva Research Labs, former Executive Director of UPTEC
A Word about Open Innovation (2010 – 2020 | 10 years of BIN@)
‘Business and Innovation Network (BIN@) represents for me the crossroads, the intersection of different branches of science, enabling the discussion, the creation of new pathways, new solutions to unsolved problems. BIN@ has been for me a great stimulus to rethink the traditional modus operandi of our industries, towards a more planet friendly attitude.’
João Transmontano, CEO at Entogenex Europe
A Word about Open Innovation (2010 – 2020 | 10 years of BIN@)
‘Business and Innovation Network is a place to learn, share and co-create with others – academia, industry and governmental institutions come together to solve the societal problems of the world today.’
Brigita Jurisic, Business Development Manager at City, University of London
A Word about Open Innovation (2010 – 2020 | 10 years of BIN@)
‘It’s an honour as a representative of PUC-Rio in partnership with Firjan and FEUP to host the celebration of the 10th anniversary of BIN@ – Business and Innovation Network, its 10 years of collaboration and network construction aiming at disseminating good practices with all stakeholders of innovation ecosystem.’
Shirley Coutinho, Executive Coordinator of PUC-Rio Innovation Agency
A Word about Open Innovation (2010 – 2020 | 10 years of BIN@)
‘…I was fortunate enough to attend the very first of Business and Innovation Network event and fortunate enough to attend many of the subsequent events. And when I think back upon those events and I look to this year’s event and the future events, one of the real hallmarks of those events is that it identifies the facts that the future is unwritten and this is more relevant than ever in today’s world. The future is unwritten and when you’re in attendance of those events, what you realise is that you’re meeting the people and you’re discussing the topics of the future, you’re discussing how the future will be written and you’re interacting with the people who will be writing that future.’
Marc Zupan, Professor at UMBC- University of Maryland, Baltimore County
A Word about Open Innovation (2010 – 2020 | 10 years of BIN@)
‘…For me, the BIN network represents a good example of what can be done to connect academia and companies in a knowledge-based environment, sharing good practices in a community spirit.’
Lígia Lopes, Professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto
A Word about Open Innovation (2010 – 2020 | 10 years of BIN@)
‘…I’m participating in BIN@ network since 2011, so almost since the beginning…BIN means for me not only a professional platform, it’s most of all a platform of friends, of great friends.’
Marcin Gorski, Director at Project Management Center, Silesian University of Technology
A Word about Open Innovation (2010 – 2020 | 10 years of BIN@)
‘For me and on behalf of our company, Everythink, who witnessed these 10 years of history, the Business and Innovation Network is all about people. People sharing their knowledge, but also their questions and their frienship. People living in a bridge between entrepreneurs, companies and academia. People moving around these themes like business and innovation on its own way – very confident, very enthusiastic, very happy and always looking for a better future for all.’
Júlio Martins, Co-founder of the design studio Everythink
A Word about Open Innovation (2010 – 2020 | 10 years of BIN@)
‘Business and Innovation Network – it is a bridge, it is a bridge between people, scientists and countries. Valahia University of Targoviste from Romania is proud to be part in this network by almost 10 years. For us, it was a good opportunity to meet people, to connect people and have the chance to establish a lot of collaboration at the international level.’
Gabriela Teodorescu, Vice Rector at Valahia University of Targoviste
A Word about Open Innovation (2010 – 2020 | 10 years of BIN@)
‘…During the last ten years the BIN community consolidated as an outstanding group of people that have been sharing best practices, exchanging knowledge and collaborating on consolidation of the innovation ecosystem as well.’
Ricardo Yogui, Associate Lecturer at Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)
A Word about Open Innovation (2010 – 2020 | 10 years of BIN@)
‘Since the beginning, UPTEC has been a strong partner of Business and Innovation Network and it has been so rewarding to follow the results of this project. BIN@PORTO is one of the most important events that we host at UPTEC. A meeting point between startups, academia and industry, and also a place to promote the discussion on emergent fields. But BIN@ is more than that. For instance, through this network, our startups have the chance to participate in soft landing programmes or B2B meetings…BIN@ has been a creator of opportunities and a connector of stakeholders and ecosystems from different fields and countries.’
Isabel Silva, Head of Communications and Sustainability at UPTEC
A Word about Open Innovation (2010 – 2020 | 10 years of BIN@)
‘…I’ve (BIN) been there, I’ve witnessed how an idea can become a reality. It was a great opportunity for me to see that this world is not that big. I wanted to tell you happy anniversary and hopefully we will see each other again.’
Gabriel Grigorescu, Economist at National Bank of Romania
A Word about Open Innovation (2010 – 2020 | 10 years of BIN@)
‘…I’ve been to BIN@PORTO, BIN@SHEFFIELD (in UK), BIN@BRAZIL…During these last 10 years, the Business and Innovation Network connected me to different researchers, startups and above all different business and scientific cultures. This is priceless’
Dalton Siqueira, Economic and Technological Development Manager at Supera Innovation and Technology Park
A Word about Open Innovation (2010 – 2020 | 10 years of BIN@)
‘The future of our society, of our civilisation depends on our capacity to engage, to collaborate , co-invent and BIN network is exactly that – platform for collaboration, to come together, exchange good practices, share dreams and share our apprehensions and then come together for new solutions, for the good of ourselves and the society as a whole.’
Violeta Bulc, Curator of Ecocivilisation and former EU Commissioner for Transport
A Word about Open Innovation (2010 – 2020 | 10 years of BIN@)
‘For me, the Business and Innovation Network is a birthplace of industrial, societal and economic transformation.’
Glenn Cezanne, Head of Governmental Affairs Brussels CharIN e.V., Founder & Managing Director at Time & Place Consulting
‘The logic of circular economy is another. It is about understanding that our economy lies within the limited boundaries of our planet. For this reason, the ideal must be to reduce the production of waste, and if this is not possible, close the cycle, i.e. find alternative ways to use the residues.’
Adilton Carneiro, CEO of SUPERA Parque and one of the key organisers of the event
‘The use of renewable energies was also thoroughly discussed, including the reservations pertaining to electrical cars, meaning that although their use itself is not polluting, the process of producing energy still has a strong impact on the environment in some countries, especially when using the non-renewable sources like is the case with coal-fired thermal electric power plants.’
Dalton Marques, Manager of Economic and Technological Development at SUPERA Parque
‘This shows clearly the importance of the work realised by SUPERA Parque and the importance of these people for the development of the entrepreneurship ecosystem of Ribeirão Preto and the country as a whole.’
Adilton Carneiro, CEO of SUPERA Parque, on attributing the prize to the three team members of SUPERA
‘Ribeirão Preto is prepared for this type of challenge and it is an honour that we can participate as protagonists in this discussion.’
Duarte Nogueira, mayor of Ribeirão Preto
‘It was an important event for showing how much our innovation ecosystem has consolidated in comparison to a former BIN@ event which took place in Ribeirão Preto in 2013.’
Eduardo Cicconi, Manager of New Business Activities at SUPERA Parque
‘Thank you so much for great BIN@PORTO experience. We returned to Poland with lots of new ideas and plenty of potential partners for further cooperation between our scientists and university with BIN participants. I hope you feel lots of satisfaction after so excellently organized and realised event.’
Marcin Gorski, Director of Project Management Center, Silesian University of Technology
‘I would like to thank you and all members of your team for organizing BIN@Porto event and helping us to get there. It was a very positive experience for our team – we managed to collect a lot of feedback and meet new people.’
Pavel Panasjuk, Air Energy – Dynamic Air Cooling Technology
‘I believe that BIN@PORTO 2018 was another great success, and thus I present my congratulations to all closely related to making this happen.’
João Falcão e Cunha, Dean of FEUP
‘I am very grateful for the magnificent organisation of BIN@PORTO.’
Rubén Leboreiro, EDAFOTEC
‘I wish to congratulate you for the excellence, quality and realisation of BIN@PORTO 2018 which surely compensated all the efforts the organisation of it required. Extensive congratulations for the whole organisation team of the event.’
Fernando Roseira, Unidade de Engenharia, Mota-Engil, SGPS, S.A
BIN@Porto 2015
‘Our participation with a booth at the Technology Showroom & Business Showcase of BIN@PORTO 2015 was very productive. In fact, in terms of business outcomes, it was one of the most productive events we ever participated.’
Eduardo Mendes, Co-founder and Director of R&D at Connect Robotics
BIN@Porto 2015
‘When I think about Porto, I think about Innovation.’
Violeta Bulc, EU Commissioner for Transport
‘I simply wanted to express my sincerest gratitude for the invitation – it has been quite an experience and a wonderful opportunity. I sincerely believe that you are both remarkable and dynamic people with aligned goals, and you probably do not realize that your efforts have made a big difference for many people – keep it up.’
Michael Tadros, Senior Manager – Botin Foundation
‘We were very well received by the organisers of the event and the vast majority of themes covered also met our expectations. In terms of the relevance of discussions and engagement of the people, we could witness the gravity with which the themes of innovation and entrepreneurship were handled by the event organising entities. Congratulations for the event!’
Guilherme Luis Gutjahr, Co-founder & Partner na Gutjahr & Schio e na Fidúcia Consultoria
‘It was my first time to participate in BIN@BRAZIL and I stayed very satisfied. I left with updated information about the state of innovation as well as contact points at the national level. Would recommend this event to my colleagues. Thank you for enabling my participation.’
Juliana Miotto, Senior Scientist Global R&D Feminine Care at Johnson & Johnson
‘The combination of the Latin American’s (Brazilian, Chilean, and Argentinean) collective consciousness in relation to European (especially Portuguese, British and Swedish, and Slovenian), has opened up new possibilities for even more profound understanding of the conditions, space, tools and opportunities related to innovation, innovation ecosystems and mass participation.’
Violeta Bulc, CEO of Vibacom Ltd, Sustainable Strategies and Innovation Ecosystems
Extract of a speech: ‘BIN@PORTO generated cooperation dynamics which in the near future can be translated into value added initiatives both for the academia and companies. In addition, BIN@PORTO also exposed a well-established international dimension, (…) i.e. the innovation process was addressed based on cross-border logic and with a purpose of boosting the international network of several partners (…)’
José Marques dos Santos, Rector of U.Porto between 2006 – 2014
‘Thank you once more for all the collaboration with Portic, thanks to which the internationalisation results of the Portuguese technology companies have been leveraged, and also for the organisation of BIN@PORTO 2012 which was a success.’
Pedro Castro Henriques, CEO Strongstep, CMU Portugal Alumni
‘Firstly, I would like to thank for the warm welcome received in Porto and congratulate for the event’s success. During this week we were there, I stayed impressed about the engagement and initiatives of all of you in the Network, the creation of spin-off companies, technology-based incubators and institutions around university etc.’
Adilton Carneiro, FIPASE
‘Many thanks for your invitation to participate in BIN@PORTO and also for the kind accompany during the event. The participation has been a huge success to me to get in touch with some key people involved in Innovation & Strategy Consultation and also for the business of Green Pai Energy. Now it is up to me to explore the full potential of these contacts but without your suggestion to participate in BIN@PORTO this would not have been possible.’
Rajesh Pai, Director at Green Pai Energy Audit Ltd
‘I just want to congratulate you for such excellent organization during the Oporto meeting, you really made a great impression on us. I believe that the idea of placing the stands within the university is certainly a promising one, because you bring consciousness on the importance of IP issues and tech transfer to the students. Additionally, I specially enjoyed the session on open innovation.’
Gustavo Fuster, Patent Attorney and attorney-at-law at Hoffmann Eitle S.L
‘We would like to congratulate all the BIN@FEUP team for the realisation of this excellent event. It was, without a doubt, a first fundamental step in creating an annual event which allows interconnection of partnership networks in research and commerce inside the various areas of engineering.’
Felipe Ávila da Costa, Co-founder, Head of Customer Development at Infraspeak
‘A short note to compliment the whole team for the excellent organisation of the event BIN@FEUP 2010.’
Sara Medina, Member of the Board at SPI and SPI Ventures
Spontaneous testimonials
‘We have held several high profile international UTEN/IC2 events in conjunction with U. Porto and FEUP. We have been consistently impressed with the FEUP team and have consistently had a positive experience. FEUP has proven to be an excellent partner and co-host. It has been a distinct pleasure working with FEUP and we look forward to co-hosting more events in the future.’
Eli D. Mercer, Dean of Technology, Health, and Business Division at Tarrant County College / Principal Founder of Genesis Consulting and 3D Innovation Labs / Academic Director of PAYLP Program and Adjunct Lecturer at the University of Texas at Austin