
Rules of the International BERD-FEUP Prize for World Innovation in Bridge Engineering (WIBE 2017)

Access to the BERD-FEUP Prize for World Innovation in Bridge Engineering 2017 (hereinafter, BERD-FEUP WIBE Prize 2017) will be made in accordance to the rules set out in the following regulation.
Article 1 – Scope

The aim of this regulation is to rule the Prize of the BERD-FEUP WIBE 2017, providing the necessary objectivity, rigor and transparency to the competition.
Article 2 – Subject of the BERD-FEUP WIBE Prize 2017

2.1. The subject of the Prize is a 10 page Paper (maximum) in the field of Bridge Engineering, comprising at least the following four requirements:

2.1.1. A concept, a process or a system with clear Innovation features in Bridge Engineering;
2.1.2. A clear presentation of the potential impact of the Innovation on Bridge Engineering;
2.1.3. A clear presentation of the potential impact of the Innovation on Society;
2.1.4. A clear presentation of the scientific validation or alternatively a clear presentation of the technical applicability potential.

2.2. The winner(s) of the Prize indicated in article 12 will be the author or authors of a Paper that demonstrates the greatest potential of innovation and contributes to the development of Bridge Engineering worldwide, selected by a qualified Jury.
Article 3 – Eligibility of the Applicants

An Eligible Applicant is any Structural or Bridge Engineer from any country, with any activity in Academia, Design or Industry, as long as the Applicant submits all mandatory documents as per article 4.
The applicant is the unique author of the Paper, or the lead author in case of multiples authors.


If you want to see all the regulation, please download the pdf file.

Download Regulation Bridges Wibe Prize 2017