- A – Idiosyncratic voice signal analysis and modeling
- A.1 – Dysphonic voice database and feature characterization
- A.2 – Accurate harmonic analysis and modeling of natural voiced sounds
- A.3 – Accurate vocal tract filter modeling
- A.4 – Accurate glottal source estimation and modeling
- A.5 – Adaptive phonetic segmentation techniques in dysphonic voice
- B – Perceptually natural synthesis of periodic voicing components
- B.1 – Accurate vocal tract filter reconstruction
- B.2 – Perceptually natural voicing implantation and prosodic control
- C – DyNaVoiceR system integration and real-time implementation
- D – DyNaVoiceR usability tests and fine-tuning
- E – Management
- M1 – A database of dysphonic and normal Portuguese phonemes and representative features (A.1), acoustic data near the vocal folds and glottal excitation models (A.4)
- M2 – Accurate vocal tract filter models and dysphonic-normal mapping rules (A.3)
- M3 – Harmonic parametric models and idiosyncratic features (A.2), adaptive segmentation algorithms (A.5)
- M4 – Accurate vocal tract filter reconstruction algorithms (B.1)
- M5 – Accurate artificial voicing implantation algorithms (B.2)
- M6 – DyNaVoiceR proof of concept, demo and app (C and D)