Between September 4th and 6th, our research group had the privilege of taking part in the ESIAM 2023 Conference: the 3rd European Conference on the Structural Integrity of Additively Manufactured Materials, hosted at the Alfândega do Porto. In an era where industries increasingly rely on Additive Manufacturing, addressing the challenges associated with fracture and fatigue has never been more crucial.
Our team from SIReL played an active role in contributing to the conference’s success:
- Vítor Gomes, Abilio de Jesus “Additive Manufacturing in the Railway Rolling Stock: Current and Future Perspective”.
- Abilio de Jesus, Felipe Klein Fiorentin, Federico Uriati, Miguel Augusto Vigário de Figueiredo, Gianni Nicoletto “High-Cycle Fatigue Assessment of Inconel 625 Miniaturized and Standard Specimens Produced by Directed Energy Deposition”.
- José A.F.O. Correia moderated the plenary session, where Jan Torgersen presented “Exploring Mechanical and Chemical Properties of cm-scale Photopolymer-Derived Carbon”.
Our participation was not only enriching but also yielded fruitful outcomes. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the ESIAM organization, fellow participants, and all those who contributed to making ESIAM 2023 an outstanding success.