MIETE has been receiving foreign students for several years, mainly from Brazil. However, more recently, English has become MIETE official language, and this triggered the opportunity for new students from very different countries. This is a wonderful learning opportunity for both students and teachers alike. It is a multi-cultural experience and an extended opportunity for launching new business ventures across different countries.

Within the next few posts we will be asking our foreign students two questions:

1) Which was your motivation to join MIETE?
2) Why Portugal?

Daniela Cecilia Ulloa Manzanarez (Linkedin) – MIETE Edition 2014/16
Nationality: Chilena
City/Country: Temuco, Chile

Motivation to join MIETE

Durante mis últimos dos años de estudio universitario conocí el trabajo que se estaba haciendo en mi universidad (Universidad de La Frontera) en el campo del emprendimiento. Me interesó porque era una manera de fomentar la concreción de ideas entre mis compañeros de universidad, a la vez que me permitía adquirir herramientas para concretar mis propias ideas de negocio. Fue así como me integré a la empresa junior de mi universidad y comencé a trabajar en la TTO, donde me relacioné con investigadores universitarios, conociendo de primera fuente el proceso de innovación y emprendimiento.
Por un lado esta fue mi motivación para continuar estudios en innovación y emprendimiento, y por otro lado, en un momento tuve la oportunidad de postular a una beca Erasmus Mundus para estudios de Máster. En esta beca se nos dio la posibilidad de elegir entre 7 universidades de 6 países europeos, entre ellas la Universidad de Porto. Esta Universidad era la única entre las 7 que ofrecía un programa de Máster en Innovación y Emprendimiento, por lo que se convirtió en mi elección. El programa presentaba una malla que abarca los conocimiento esenciales en la cadena de desarrollo de un emprendimiento, complementando mis conocimientos previos como ingeniera. de manera práctica. Además, me motivó la posibilidad de crear redes con los estudiantes extranjeros, y a través de esto, conocer cual es la realidad de la innovación y el emprendimiento en otros países, muy distintos a Chile, e idear mejoras en mi país basándome en las buenas practicas en el extranjero.

During my last two years of undergraduate study I met the work that was being done at my university (Universidad de La Frontera) in the field of entrepreneurship. I was interested because it was a way to promote the realization of ideas among my fellows university, while acquiring tools that allowed me to realize my own business ideas. That was how I joined the junior company of my university and started working in the TTO, where I interacted with university researchers, knowing in firsthand the process of innovation and entrepreneurship.
On the one hand this was my motivation to continue studies in innovation and entrepreneurship, and on the other hand, in a moment I had the opportunity to apply for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship for Master studies. In this scholarship were given the choice between 7 universities from 6 European countries, including the University of Porto. This University was the only between the 7 offering a Master’s program in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, so it became my choice. The program has a curriculum that covers the essential knowledge in the chain of development of an enterprise, complementing my previous knowledge as an engineer, in an applied way. Also motivated me the opportunity to network with foreign students, and through this, know what is the reality of innovation and entrepreneurship in other countries, very different from Chile, and devise improvements in my country based on good practices abroad.

Why Portugal?

Escogí Portugal por su historia, lugares antiguos y ricos en cultura. También por el idioma, que a pesar de ser muy parecido al español, me daba la oportunidad de aprender uno nuevo y de reforzar mi inglés. Los portugueses son muy parecidos a los latinoamericanos, así que no ha sido difícil adaptarme.

I chose Portugal for its history, ancient and rich culture places. Also for the language, that despite being very similar to Spanish, gave me the opportunity to learn a new one and to strengthen my English. The Portuguese people are very similar to Latin-American people, so it has not been difficult to adapt.

Florian Rehm (Linkedin) – MIETE Edition 2014/16
Nationality: German
City/Country: Burghausen, Germany

Motivation to join MIETE

MIETE bietet eine einzigartige Mischung aus den zentralen Entrepreneurship- und Innovationsthemen. Der Studiengang hilft Studenten ihr volles Potential zu erschließen, um produktive und verantwortungsbewusste Unternehmer zu werden. Der größte Vorteil, den ich bei dem Studiengang sehe, ist der interaktive Ansatz, der es Studenten erlaubt neue Produkte innerhalb interdisziplinärer und internationaler Teams zu entwickeln, um ein besseres Verständnis für komplexe Entrepreneurship-Prozesse zu bekommen. Ich bin zuversichtlich, dass MIETE mir hilft, die notwendigen Fähigkeiten zu erlangen, um ein erfolgreicher Entrepreneur zu werden.

MIETE offers a unique combination of entrepreneurial-oriented and innovation focal subjects. The program helps students to tap into their full potential of becoming productive and responsible entrepreneurs. The greatest advantage of the program I see is the hands-on-approach, which allows students to create new products within interdisciplinary and international teams to get a better understanding for complex entrepreneurial processes. I am confident that MIETE will help me to obtain the necessary skillset to become a successful entrepreneur.

Why Portugal?

Portugal bietet eine hohe Lebensqualität für erschwingliche Kosten. Die historische Altstadt von Porto, die malerische Aussicht über den Fluss Douro und die Lage unmittelbar am Meer verleihen Porto einen individuellen Charme. Außerdem, schätze ich, dass die Portugiesen aufgeschlossen, hilfsbereit und lustig sind.

Portugal offers a high quality of living for affordable costs. The historic district of Porto, scenic views over the river Douro and the location directly at the ocean give Porto a distinct charm. In addition, I appreciate that the Portuguese people are open-minded, helpful and fun.

Richard Ancuta (Linkedin) – MIETE Edition 2014/16
Nationality: Danish
City/Country: Viborg, Denmark

Motivation to join MIETE

Min motivation for at deltage i MIETE er hele princippet omkring iværksætterdrømmen. Uddannelsen er efter min mening meget velegenet for mig da den er praktisk orienteret. Derudover synes jeg også at alle fagene er relevante. Da jeg har en bachelorgrad i Advance Marketing synes jeg at det ville være interesant at integrere min tidligere viden med noget relevant.

My motivation to join the MIETE programme is basically the whole idea of becoming an entrepreneur. This programme is in my opinion well suitable for me as it has a practical oriented approach. Furthermore, all the subjects in the programme were a cause for me to join as well. As I have a bachelor degree in Advanced Marketing, my attention towards integrating my prior knowledge with something relevant is basically the main motivation.

Why Portugal?

I starten søgte jeg efter en del Masteruddannelser rundt omkring i Europa. Jeg valgte Portugal på grund af det varme klima samt nysgerrigheden omkring kulturen. Derudover har Portugal mange forretningsmuligheder hvilket efter min mening kunne være meget interesante at udnytte, samtidig med at lære hele entrepreneur processen.

I did a lot of research on interesting programmes around Europe. However I choose Portugal because of the climate as well as the experience of learning the Portuguese culture. Furthermore Portugal offers a lot of business opportunities which in my opinion could be relevant to exploit along with learning the concepts and process of entrepreneurship.