PROJETO | PEP-UP – PhDs Enhanced for Prospects – ErasmUs Plus

LEA, in representation of UPorto, integrates the list of partners of the PEP-UP | PhDs Enhanced for Prospects – ErasmUs Plus project, that started in October 2014 and lasts for 3 years.

banner-banderolle-PEP-UPThe project’s target population are PhD engineering students.
It aims to create an opportunity for the industrial partners to tell the HEis about the characteristics they want in a PhD graduate; thus allowing the identification of the feasible features of PhD education programs that need to be emphasized to make engineering PhD graduates more prepared for employment in industry and more able to use their talents and training for the benefit of the economy, regions and society. it also aims to make the graduates more aware of their competences and to co-development of a 5- day module that will be delivered to selected PhD students from participating Institutions. (+info on the course here and here)


Dates: October 2014 (3 years)

Partners: INSA Lyon | Institut National des Sciences Appliquees de Lyon (Coordinator), POLITO | Politécnico di Torino, Loughborough University, Trinity College Dublin, TU Delft | Technische Universiteit Delft, IRWTH AACHEN | Irheinisch-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule Aachen, Universidade do Porto, University of Aalborg
Companies: Infineon, Hilti Corporation

FEUP’s members: Ana Freitas (LEA-FEUP), António Ferreira (Vice-President of FEUP’s Scientific Council), Catarina Maia (DEGI-FEUP, INESC), João Claro (DEGI-FEUP, INESC); José Coelho Rodrigues (DEGI-FEUP); Paulo Garcia (coord of LEA-FEUP, DEF-FEUP), Sofia Araújo Silva (Unidade de projetos, FEUP)

Reference: 014-1-FR01-KA203-008520

Financing: ERASMUS+

The project in the media:
– INSA Newsletter:
– Linkedin










Group pictures of the 4th PEP UP project meeting, that was held at FEUP-Porto in October 2015


foto de grupo feup








Group pictures of the PhD candidates that represented FEUP in the international course ‘Fit for Industry?’, held in Lyon, 1-5th of February 2016


This project is within LEA’s strategy  to contribute to increase the quality and competitiveness of the educational offer at FEUP in the 3rd cycle level, which also includes:
– the creation of several units of transferable skills for doctoral students +info
– the organization of FEUP’s Doctoral Congress +info

– the organization of a Good Practices in Doctoral Education workshop for PhD program directors +info