The overarching aim of this project is to bring together European academic, industrial and professional chemical engineering body representatives to develop an assessment framework evaluating the effectiveness of core chemical engineering and employability competency delivery. Although the focus of this project will be in the area of engineering, the concepts and approaches will be applicable to all fields in higher education.
This consortium brings together six European academic institutions from the UK, France, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Portugal, Slovakia and Germany who provide Chemical Engineering degrees with professional / accreditation bodies. Alongside the partner Universities the project also involves a number of employer organisation representatives as associate partners of the consortium. Over the 3 years that the project is funded we will develop a framework which will support the assessment of teaching effectiveness in delivering not only core Chemical Engineering knowledge, but also core employability competencies.
DATE 2013 – 2016 (The project officially started on the 1st October 2013 and will complete its activities on 30th September 2016.)
Coordinator: Newcastle University (Coord)
Partners: Université de Lorraine, International Balkan University, Universidade do Porto, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, TU Dortmund
Associate Partners:IChemE, SPEE,SFGP, CSCHI, ProcessNet, TUE, DTU, Budapest University of Technology & Economics
Ordem dos Engenheiros
Portugal is represented by FEUP’s professors: Luis Madeira and João Campos
FINANCING LLP – LLP – Lifelong Learning Programme