PROJETO | A Methodology for the Formation of Highly Qualified Engineers at Masters Level in the Design and Development of Advanced Industrial Informatics Systems

MEDIS project addresses curriculum adaptation at Masters level of engineering schools of PC universities to incorporate in their curricula Advanced Industrial Informatics Specialization Modules (AIISM) for the efficient control of distributed and complex industrial processes.

This reform will allow formation of highly qualified engineers that will be easily integrated in the labour market. Moreover, the incorporation of these engineers to industry would achieve greater productivity, increasing competitiveness of companies, benefiting the development of the whole society. To this end the wider objective of MEDIS is: Integration of a Problem Based-Learning methodology in Industrial Technology Masters Degrees for the Formation of High Qualified Engineers in the design of Advanced Industrial Informatics Systems based on Microcomputers, Industrial Computers and Mobile and Cloud Computing Platforms.

DATE 2013 – 2016


  1. Propose the PBL methodology and develop resources for teaching AllSM
  2. Integrate AIISM in the specific curricula of PC
  3. Design training courses and perform formation of PC teachers, technicians and administrative staff
  4. Implement AIISM-PBL in PC and assist them during deployment
  5. Assess the implementation of AIISM
  6. Disseminate and exploit AIISM results among stakeholders



Coordinated by Universitat Politecnica de Valencia

Partners: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Pavlodar State University, Petrozavodsk State University, St. Petesburg State Polytechnical University, Odessa National Polytechnical University, National Technical University of Ukraine – Kiev Polytechnic I., University of Porto, University of Stuttgart, Technical University of Sofia, Mälardalen University

FEUP’s members: Armando Jorge Miranda de Sousa, Luís Miguel Pinho de Almeida, Mário Jorge Rodrigues de Sousa, Paulo José Lopes Machado Portugal, Sofia Araújo da Silva




Projects’ websites: