

Construction is facing new challenges and is being pressurized to make rapid changes to be more efficient, more digital, reduce costs, and be more sustainable. This transformation is much more about processes and people’s commitment and training than technical means.
The construction challenges are not exclusively national and are common to Europe, particularly the Iberian space.

GEQUALTEC is a research group at Construct, FEUP and ICS in the fields of Construction Management and Technologies that has dedicated itself to studying the above issues and which, together with colleagues from the Univ. Politécnica de Madrid has decided to organize a one-afternoon seminar, the 1st IBERICONSTRUCT Seminar, on January 24th, to discuss the themes of the Iberian Construction Context and Investment in Infrastructure, Digitalisation, Industrialisation of Construction and Prefabrication, Sustainability and Conflict Management in Construction.
With a panel of experienced and diverse speakers, the event will end with a round table discussion.

Gequaltec is organizing the event with contributions from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) and support from the Institute for Sustainable Construction (ICS), the Order of Engineers, AICCOPN and APCC.

We are sure that it will be an excellent opportunity to discuss these issues and that the participants, regardless of their profile and professional activity, will make the most of their time.


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ICS — Instituto para a Construção Sustentável - 1st IBERICONSTRUCT Seminar
ICS — Instituto para a Construção Sustentável - 1st IBERICONSTRUCT Seminar
ICS — Instituto para a Construção Sustentável - 1st IBERICONSTRUCT Seminar
ICS — Instituto para a Construção Sustentável - 1st IBERICONSTRUCT Seminar
ICS — Instituto para a Construção Sustentável - 1st IBERICONSTRUCT Seminar
ICS — Instituto para a Construção Sustentável - 1st IBERICONSTRUCT Seminar
ICS — Instituto para a Construção Sustentável - 1st IBERICONSTRUCT Seminar

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