
Institute for Sustainable Construction (ICS) is a private, scientific and technical non-profit association, which serves as a knowledge interface between the scientific community and industry, providing applied research, testing, consulting and training services in the various fields of Civil Engineering.
The ICS’s mission is to be a link between industries and other agents that compete for construction and academia, helping to promote the advancement and competitiveness of the sector, either by knowledge transfer, advanced training, development, evaluation and improvement of processes and materials, or by solving technically complex problems.
The ICS’s vocation is complementary to other R&D activities at the Departmento de Engenharia Civil, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto(DEC-FEUP), not overlapping either the more fundamental research activities developed at the University and the Department, or activities carried out by service providers in the market.
ICS intends to establish itself as a national reference entity in the field of knowledge applied to construction, Buildings and Civil Engineering works, in conjunction with the DEC at FEUP, contributing to the general advancement of the sector, nationally and internationally.
ICS supports service provision based on rigor, exemption, ambition and the pursuit of excellence.