ICS — Instituto para a Construção Sustentável - Diego Calvetti

Diego Calvetti

Academic Education
Building Technician, Construction (ETFPEL, 2000). Degree in Civil Engineering (ULBRA, 2011). MSc in Industrial Construction (UFF, 2018). PhD in Civil Engineering – Construction (FEUP, 2021).

Main Research Interests/Skills
R&TD in Engineering. Project Management, Education 5.0, Worker 4.0, Digital Twins, Digitalisation, OpenBIM, Data-driven Start-ups, Workforce Build-Up-Skills and Circular Economy.

Relevant experience
More than 22 years of industrial practice in project management, acting in a portfolio of mega-engineering projects accounting for more than 1 billion dollars. Project Management Professional (PMP) certified by the Project Management Institute (PMI-USA) since 2011.

Main Activities
Consultant researcher in R&TD projects for industrial digital transformation, construction circularity and education. Vice-Chair of the Human-Data Interaction (HDI) Committee from the European Council on Computing in Construction (EC3).
ICS researcher. Invited Assistant Professor of the Building Division Department of Civil Engineering of FEUP. Assistant Director of the MBUILD MSc in Sustainable Design, Construction and Management of the Built Environment (Erasmus Mundus). CONSTRUCT/GEQUALTEC integrated member.