Machine Design

Specialization: Machine Design


The Machine Design option of the Master in Mechanical Engineering aims to train students with skills for research, development and design of all types of equipment and mechanical structures.

The curricular plan was designed in order to provide students with tools, modeling and simulation techniques, experimentation, and methodologies that enable them to design mechanical systems and components, their production processes, as well as to plan and coordinate these projects.

It allows students to apply the knowledge acquired throughout the course to real projects in the Mechanical Engineering field.

During the course, students will have the opportunity to acquire skills in different areas of knowledge that are fundamental to the Design of Machines, such as:

  • Machinery and Equipment Design Methodologies and Processes;
  • Advanced Numerical Methods Applied to Mechanical Engineering;
  • Machines and Structures Dynamics;
  • Calculation of Complex Metal Structures;
  • Tribology and Lubrication;
  • Equipment Reliability and Maintenance;
  • Ergonomics and Safety of Equipment and Machinery.

This option of the Master in Mechanical Engineering encompasses advanced engineering techniques with practical learning thus providing an integrated skills training that is highly desired by employers.


1st Year

1st Semester

Vibrações Mecânicas Método dos Elementos Finitos Complementos de Órgãos de Máquinas Sistemas de Controlo Otimização de Sistemas Mecânicos Competências Transversais

2º Semestre

Dinâmica de Máquinas Mecânica da Fratura e Fadiga Placas e Cascas Introdução ao Projeto de Máquinas Sistemas Eletromecânicos

Qualquer Unidade Curricular de 2º ciclo da Universidade do Porto (UP)

2nd Year

2nd Semester

Mecânica do Contacto e Lubrificação Estruturas Engenharia e Gestão da Manutenção Industrial Segurança de Máquinas Servomecanismos

Qualquer Unidade Curricular de 2º ciclo da Universidade do Porto (UP)

2º Semestre
