Especialization in Spatial Planning and Transports
With the specialisation in Spatial Planning and Transports you get relevant skills in strategic planning, land management and transport infrastructure design and management from an international perspective and focused on the critical issues that society will face in the coming decades. The main objectives of the specialization are: i) to understand the factors that lead to variations in urban and regional growth and development; ii) to design and implement efficient and effective solutions for the management of resources in land use planning and transport infrastructures; iii) to define sustainable land use and transport development policies, taking into account environmental challenges, evolving cultural identities, technological innovation and complex community dynamics.
Study Plan
1st Year
2nd Year
1st semester
2nd semester
1st semester
2nd semester
Structural Engineering
Building Pathology and Retrofit
Territory and Transport Engineering
Hidrology and Urban Hydraulics
Geotechnical Engineering
Economics and Management
Construction Management
Traffic Engineering
Transferable Skills