Especialization in Hydraulics, Water Resources and Environment

The specialisation in Hydraulics, Water Resources and Environment provides in-depth training in the fields of analysis, conception, design and construction of maritime and port structures (quay walls and breakwaters), port facilities (terminals), coastal defence works (groynes), hydraulic exploitation (Mini hydroelectric power plants and dams), water supply systems (networks, reservoirs), pollution control systems and exploitation of water resources, rainwater and wastewater.

Study Plan

1st Year

2nd Year

1st semester

2nd semester

1st semester

2nd semester

Structural Engineering
Building Pathology and Retrofit
Territory and Transport Engineering
Hidrology and Urban Hydraulics
Geotechnical Engineering

Economics and Management
Construction Management
Coastal and Maritime Hydraulics
Fluvial Hydraulics
Transferable Skills

Choose 2 of the following courses:
+ Sustainability and climate changes
+ Computacional hydraulics
+ Any Course of M.EC specializations

Hydro Power Plants
Water Supply Systems
Urban drainage systems
Maritime Works

Choose 2 of the following courses:
+ Treatment. Reutilisation and Dessalinisation
+ Hydric Resources And Protected Areas Management
+ Any Course of UPorto (2nd cycle)
