8h50 Reception and Opening Session – José F. Oliveira
9h00 Pedro Coelho Rodrigues
Understanding innovation implementations in networks of organizations
Pierre Polzin
An extended kernel density two-step floating catchment area method to analyze access to health care
Ricardo Castro
Benchmarking Clinical Practice in Surgery Services - Going Beyond Mortality Rates
Fabrício Sperandio
Hospital Staff Scheduling Optimization
10h20 Coffee-Break

Plenary Session
Marta Cordeiro e Cunha, Information Systems and Innovation, Sonae

11h30 Luis Guimarães
Tactical Distribution Planning in the Beverage Industry
Teresa Bianchi de Aguiar
Optimizing Shelf Space in a Supermarket Chain
Gonçalo Figueira
Pulp and Paper Mill Production Planning under Disturbances
Jorge Grenha Teixeira
Designing Services with Model-Based Methods
12h50 Lunch Time

Round Table - How to boost cooperation between university and companies
(with Tiago Moreira da Silva - BA Vidro, José Bonnet - PT Inovação, Alcibíades Guedes - FEUP, Bernardo Almada-Lobo - FEUP
and José António Sarsfield Cabral (moderator))

16h00 Coffee-Break
16h30 Andreia Zanella
Cities livability: assessing human well-being and environmental quality
António Nunes
The use of pervasive mobile computing based services to improve urban public transport experience
António José Galrão Ramos
Analysis of Cargo Stability in Container Transportation
Marta Campos Ferreira
A Proposal for a Mobile Payment Solution for Public Transport in the Metropolitan Area of Porto
17h50 Award for the Best Elevator Pitch and Closing Session – José F. Oliveira

Open IEMS'13 program in PDF