09h00 - 09h30

Reception and Opening Session – José F. Oliveira

09h30 - 10h30 Teresa Bianchi-Aguiar
Retail Shelf Space Allocation in a Supermarket Chain
João Guichard
Enhancing Customer Store Experience in Fashion Retail
António Corte-Real Sousa
Creating a model for the quality of wine from the Douro region
10h30 - 11h00 Coffee-Break
11h00 - 11h45 Plenary session – Carlos Brito
Prorector of the University of Porto for entrepreneurship and Innovation
11h45 - 12h45 Luis Guimarães
Solving Production Planning Problems when setups are sequent-dependent
Carlos Bragança de Oliveira
Management Agent-Based Simulation Framework
Pedro Amorim
Influence of Consumer Purchasing Behaviour on the Production Planning of Perishable Food
12h45 - 14h45

Lunch Time –  Palácio de Cristal Restaurant

14h45 - 15h45 Rui Carreira
Designing the travel experience: identification and incorporation of passengers’ experience requirements in new bus body development
João Mourinho
Applied Research on the Automated Generation of Spider Maps
Isabel M. Horta
How effcient and innovative are Portuguese Construction companies?
15h45 - 16h00 Break
16h00 - 17h00 Manuel Au-Yong Oliveira
Applying creativity to research methods – An analysis of innovation antecedents using the Business Narrative Modelling Language (BNML)
Rita Viana
Service Design for Sustainability: towards a more sustainable home energy consumption
Marta Rocha
Optimization Approaches to Staff Scheduling Problems
17h00 - 17h30 Coffe-break
17h30 - 18h30 Arnon Peles & Carlos Gomes
Business Intelligence and Data Mining in Operating Room Scheduling
Ana Simões Conceptual framework for organizational model assessment of hospital centers Nazaré Rego Supporting cooperative purchasing strategies in health care supply chains
18h30 Award for the Best Elevator Pitch – Bernardo Almada-Lobo
Closing Session  – José A. Sarsfield Cabral