Social Program – ‘Virtual Port Wine Tasting’

-> 28th June, 18:00h – 18:45h (online)

Ana Micaela Carvalho | Port Wine Advisor

Ana Micaela Carvalho is graduated in Tourism, Cultural and Heritage Management. After the graduation, she moved to Florence (Italy) to do a traineeship in a Tourism Office.
When she returned to Portugal she started to work as an interpreter guide in a Port Wine Cellar where she received training in wines from the Douro region, including Port Wine.
Port Wine is a passion that has grown over the 8 years she worked in the port wine cellars. She worked for companies that own brands like Graham’s, Dow’s, Warre’s, Quinta do Vesuvio, Burmester, Calém, Kopke, Barros, Gilbert and Churchill.


Workshop 1 – ‘Services provided to PhD candidates, by FEUPs INOV office’

-> 28th June, 14:30h-15:00h (online)

Pedro Coelho | Head of FEUPs’ Research and Innovation Support Unit

The Research and Innovation Support Unit (INOV) carries out its activity in the scope of specialized consultancy and technical assistance in research and innovation activities, in conjunction with the Research Units and Competence Centers, namely to:
a) support the competitive funding for research and innovation;
b) promote actions and act as an interface to the industry;
c) support the transfer of knowledge and the provision of services to companies;
d) promote and support the participation in international research and innovation networks;
e) support the creation of spin-off companies;
f) manage information related to research and innovation activities.

Registration is free from payment but mandatory in this link 

confers certificate upon validation of presence


Workshop 2 – ‘Escrita científica’

-> 29 Junho, 13:00h-14h30

(online, em português)

Luis Adriano Oliveira | Prof. Catedrático do Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica da Universidade de Coimbra. (CV resumido)

Aposentado desde 2014, assegurou a regência da disciplina de Mecânica dos Fluidos, de 1980 a 2014.

Diploma de “Docteur Ingénieur” pela universidade francesa de Poitiers (1981), Doutoramento (1986) e Agregação (1998) pela Universidade de Coimbra.

Autor de vários livros, entre os quais ‘Escrita Científica: Da folha em branco ao texto final link ; ‘Ética em Investigação Científica’ link e ‘Dissertação e Tese em Ciência e Tecnologia segundo Bolonha: Guia de boas práticaslink

Info sobre o workshop link

Registration is free from payment but mandatory in this link 

confers certificate upon validation of presence


Workshop 3 – ‘How to pitch your research/PhD thesis’

-> (online)

This workshop aims at training participants on how to communicate with peers and with non-scientific audiences on what is their project/research/thesis about. Participants will learn how to promote their project/research/thesis in a 2-3minutes speech (pitch).

The workshop consists in a 1h30 online lecture with an expert on this subject (from SpeakandLead) + individual video making of a 2min tentative speech  + individual feedback, by an expert, on your video of a tentative pitch. The workshop participants will also have the opportunity to create a final 3min video with their pitch and participate in the ‘DCE21 Elevator Pitch Contest’ 


  • 15.06 (16h-17h30) | Seminar
  • 15.06 – 20.06 | 2 minutes-video making 
  • 21.06 (14h-18h00) | Individual feedback on the video (about 15min/person)
  • 23.06  | Final video upload for the ‘DCE21 Elevator Pitch Contest’ 
  • 29.06 (9h-13h) | Voting
  • 29.06 (16h30) | Awards

Registration is closed.

confers certificate upon validation of presence and video submission.



Workshop 4 – Centre for Telecommunications and Multimedia of INESC TEC: contributions to edge intelligence

-> 28th June, 13:00h-14h30 (online)

Edge intelligence, or edge-native artificial intelligence, is expected to become a key enabler for future 6G networks to fulfil the vision of ubiquitous intelligence. Data-driven artificial intelligence combined with communications networks and mobile edge computing will bring new functionalities and services that were missing in 5G networks, enabling an enhanced quality of experience for users. Countless applications will benefit from edge intelligence, including novel personal smart device environments and experiences with augmented reality, holographic projection, remote surgery, smart manufacturing, urban computing, and autonomous driving, to name a few.
We will showcase a short selection of the Centre for Telecommunications and Multimedia’s research activities in the different domains of edge intelligence.

Ana Filipa Sequeira
Eduardo Almeida
Teresa Andrade
Vítor Tavares




Workshop 5 – “Depression and anxiety in PhD students: Preventing emotional exhaustion and burnout”

-> 29th June, 14:00h-16h00 (online)


a) Depression and anxiety: what is it and what are its most common issues

b) Academic Anxiety: tips to deal with worry, rumination, distress and emotional exhaustion


FEUPs GOI | Orientation and Integration office

Fernanda Mendes: Psychologist at Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto – Orientation and Integration Office. Masters Degree and First Degree in Psychology (Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto). Full Member of the Portuguese Board of Psychologists
Specialty College of the Portuguese Board of Psychologists
– General Specialty in Clinical and Health Psychology
– Advanced Specialty in Psychotherapy

Helena Lopes: Psychologist at Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto – Orientation and Integration Office. PhD in Educational Sciences (Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto). First Degree in Psychology (Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto). Post-graduation studies: Motivation Psychology (Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Coimbra), Training Systems Assessment (Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto). Full Member of the Portuguese Board of Psychologists. Specialty College of the Portuguese Board of Psychologists: General Specialty in Educational Psychology



Workshop 6 – “Introducing ALICE: Take a virtual tour of our Labs and meet our researchers

-> 28th June, 14:00h-15h00 (online)

ALICE is the Associate Laboratory in Chemical Engineering, headquartered at FEUP, Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto. With more than 300 researchers, ALICE is a consortium of three R&D Units: CEFT – Centre for the Study of Transport Phenomena, LEPABE – Laboratory of Process Engineering, Environment, Biotechnology and Energy, and LSRE-LCM – Laboratory of Separation and Reaction Engineering – Laboratory of Catalysis and Materials.

ALICE’s mission is to contribute to scientific knowledge and its technological applications for the development of innovative processes and products, in a sustainable and efficient way, to respond to societal challenges and industry development.

This workshop is divided into five short sessions, representing the 5 Thematic Lines of ALICE: Chemical Industry, Bioindustry, Materials, Energy and Environment. It includes a 5-minute video with a virtual tour of our R&D laboratories and short-talks by the leaders of the Thematic Lines.

Registration is free from payment but mandatory in this link:


Workshop 7 – “Gestão de Carreiras para Doutorandos e Investigadores

-> 29 Junho, 13:00h-15h00

(online, em português)

Helena Martins
Psychologist with a background in Training and Consultancy.

PhD in Management Studies and Human Resources Management Researcher.  

Prof. na Porto Business School / Universidade Lusófona


Como se o processo de estar a fazer o Doutoramento já não fosse difícil por si só, todos temos consciência que por um lado a Academia não tem capacidade ou vontade de absorver todos os estudantes que prepara e por outro lado nem todos os estudantes e investigadores querem permanecer nesta carreira. Mas então como preparar o “salto”? Como podemos perceber o que é melhor para nós e como poderemos gerir a nossa carreira? Este workshop procura dar apoio neste processo tantas vezes causador de ansiedade que é pensar e criar estratégias para o futuro profissional.

No final deste workshop os formandos deverão ser capazes de:
• Definir carreira e discutir os elementos que influenciam e são influenciados pela carreira;
• Compreender a carreira como um processo dinâmico e cada vez mais ditado pelos próprios indivíduos;
• Identificar e reconhecer os elementos a considerar quando se está a elaborar um plano de carreira individual
• Identificar e reconhecer instrumentos de análise do mercado de trabalho
• Refletir acerca das suas carreiras de forma proativa

• O conceito de carreira: o que é e o que não é
• Influências e consequências da “carreira” na vida dos trabalhadores
• Elementos chave a analisar na tomada de decisões de carreira
• Instrumentos de análise do mercado de trabalho
• O plano de carreira individual: princípios e estratégias

Pacote de formação: 120 minutos de tempo de contacto; website com materiais de apoio, exercícios e vídeos adicionais.

Registration is closed (contact 



Workshop 8 – “Time & Objectives management for PhD candidates/students and for Researchers

-> 25th June, 15h00-17h30

(online, in english)

Helena Martins
Psychologist with a background in Training and Consultancy.

PhD in Management Studies and Human Resources Management Researcher.  

Prof. at Porto Business School / Universidade Lusófona


Time and objective management is one of the main challenges for those who are doing a doctoral thesis. Being able to balance work with the rest of life in this period is often extremely difficult and even frustrating. In this workshop we will explore several strategies, approaches and techniques that may be the key to a more productive dissertation work and a more satisfactory balance, mental health and quality of life.

At the end of this workshop, trainees should be able to:
• Identify and recognize the main challenges to time management and objectives for PhD students;
• Understand and analyze your personal challenges and needs efficiently and consciously and evaluate the different strategies at your disposal
• Develop strategies appropriate to your own reality and academic, professional, family and personal needs

• Characteristics of doctoral work: why is it so difficult to manage time and objectives during the preparation of the doctoral dissertation?
• Time management strategies, approaches and techniques and objectives: 3 models to consider
• Elaboration of an individual time management plan and objectives for each trainee

training package: 120 min. of contact live training; website for materials, exercises and aditional videos.

Registration is closed (contact