The symposium on “Transport Systems and Mobility” will be held online, as part of the 4rd Doctoral Congress Engineering (DCE21) hosted at FEUP, Porto, Portugal, on the 28th and 29th of June 2021.

This symposium is organized by the PDST (Programa Doutoral em Sistemas de Transportes), a joint doctoral program of FEUP, FCTUC (Universidade de Coimbra) and IST (Universidade de Lisboa). The PDST was set up in the scope of the MIT Portugal Program.

The symposium chairs and organisers are pleased to invite you to share ongoing work or final results of PhD projects or advanced Master dissertations of possible PhD candidates.

Topics for submission include (but are not limited to):

  • Urban mobility and logistics
  • Mobility as a Service
  • Data, information and knowledge in transports
  • Intermodal transports and the Circular Economy
  • Transport systems and land use
  • Airports and airlines




Only for “short papers”:

They should be made directly through the conference submission Easychair platform.

Contributors are expected to submit “short papers” in English (maximum size of 3 A4 pages) that will be reviewed by the Symposium Committee. Authors will be notified about the acceptance of their submissions, possibly with recommendations for corrections or improvements.


Registration (payment)

Registration is mandatory for all participants; the registration fee is 20 €.

At least one author of each accepted and revised short paper must be registered in the event, with a paid fee, for the abstracts’ reference to appear in the Booklet, and in the Book of Abstracts.

To have your registration paid, check the ‘Registrations‘ webpage and follow the guidelines.



|| Download the program here ||



All accepted and revised abstracts, with at least one author registered in the congress (with a paid fee), will be mentioned in the event’s program/booklet and published in the Symposium Book of Abstracts (with ISBN).

|| Download the BoA here ||



Authors of accepted and revised abstracts, presented at the congress, will be eligible for awards:

– best short paper
– best presentation

Please check the ‘Awards’ page.


Symposium Committees

Symposium Chairs

  • Jorge Pinho de Sousa (FEUP)
  • António Fidalgo Couto (FEUP)
  • Teresa Galvão Dias (FEUP)

Organizing Committee

  • Marta Campos Ferreira (FEUP)
  • Thiago Sobral (FEUP)
  • Juliana Carvalho (FEUP)

Scientific Committee

  • Álvaro Costa (FEUP)
  • António Lobo (FEUP)
  • António Pais Antunes (FCTUC)
  • Edgar Jimenez (U Cranfield)
  • Jorge Freire de Sousa (FEUP)
  • José Pedro Tavares (FEUP)
  • Luís Maia (ANI)
  • Luís Picado Santos (IST UL)
  • Rosaldo Rossetti (FEUP)
  • Rui Gomes (ARMIS)
  • Sara Ferreira (FEUP)
  • Tânia Fontes (INESC TEC)