Plennary sessions are open to all of FEUPs community, registered or not in the event.



Date: 28.06.2021, 09:30 – 10:00
Lecturer: Rik Van de Walle, President of CESAER and Ghent University Rector
Title: Three ways of looking at the European Research Area
Chair: João Pedro Pêgo | Head of DCE21 Organizing Committee

link: Youtube streaming

Professor Rik Van de Walle is rector of Ghent University since 1 October 2017. He obtained the degrees of Master of Science in Engineering Physics and Doctor of Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture at Ghent University. After a visiting post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Arizona (Tucson, USA) he returned to Ghent, became a full-time assistant professor (‘docent’) in 2001 and set up the Multimedia Lab, one of the founding research groups of iMinds (since 2016). In 2004 he became full professor, and in 2010 senior full professor. After a merger with two other research groups (across departmental and even university boundaries), the Multimedia Lab was renamed in 2016 as Internet and Data Lab (IDLab). IDLab is a very large group, encompassing about 300 members. From 2012 until 2017 he was dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture. He was a member of CESAERs’ (European Schools for Advanced Engineering Education and Research) Board of Directors from 2017-2019 and became its President in 2020.






Date: 29.06.2021, 15:00 – 16:30
Chair: Luís Filipe Malheiros, Head of Industry Liaison Office @FEUP


  • Pedro Araújo, CEO @Advanced Cyclone Systems
  • Ata Mokhberdoran, Director of R&D at VESTAS
  • Marcella Mendes, DoRPE EFACEC
  • Lia Patrício, Associate Professor @ FEUP
  • Vitor Anjos, COO @AAPICO Águeda, S.A and General Manager @CITNM

link: TBD

