Welcome to Conferment Ceremony 2024

The 2024 Doctoral Conferment Ceremony will take place on April 19th in FEUP’s José Marques dos Santos Auditorium.

The ceremony starts with an academic procession in which the university management and the dean, department and courses directors, professors and doctors take part.

At the ceremony, the Faculty of Enginnering confer its highest honour on those who have completed a doctoral degree and defended their thesis.

The doctoral insignia are a part of this ceremony tradition.

In this ceremony some individuals will also be honored, members of the great FEUP family, namely the FEUP Career Award, in 2023 to Engº João Oliveira Cortez, General Manager at CELOPLAS, whose main objective is to recognize a graduate of FEUP who has distinguished himself throughout his career, as a professional reference for his peers and for the community, and that has contributed to the consolidation of the image of FEUP as a reference school in the area of Engineering.