Research areas
- Advanced dynamic models for analysis of the train-infrastructure interaction
- Advanced methods of assessment, rehabilitation and reinforcement of railway infrastructure (bridges, track and transition zones)
- Advanced models for analysis of the propagation of vibrations and noise in the vicinity of railways (surface and underground traffic)
Knowledge transfer and industry support services
- Development of innovative solutions for railway bridges (new or for rehabilitation/reinforcement of existing bridges)
- Development of innovative solutions (structural systems, new eco-sustainable materials, new resilient elements and advanced production systems) to improve the performance of railway tracks (ballasted and non-ballasted tracks)
- Development of new solutions to mitigate vibrations and noise in the vicinity of railways
- Advanced algorithms for analysis of the condition of the railway infrastructure, to support decision-making in intelligent asset management systems
- New monitoring technologies and maintenance strategies based on the condition of the railway system (wayside and on-board systems)
Researchers of four groups of CONSTRUCT: LESE, LABEST, GEO, VIBEST
Prof. Rui Calçada (ruiabc@fe.up.pt)