Research areas
- Experimental and numerical characterisation of the static and dynamic behavior of buildings and of energy and transportation infrastructures
- Structural health monitoring and control supporting infrastructures management systems
- Development and integration of sensors and innovative technologies for the extraction of relevant information from permanent monitoring systems
Knowledge transfer and industry support services
- Experimental characterisation of vibratory phenomena and implementation of vibration control systems
- Characterisation of cable forces in cable structures (cable-stayed bridges, cable roofs, external presstress)
- Characterisation of the static and dynamic behavior of buildings and of energy and transportation infrastructures (load tests, temporary and permanent monitoring)
- Installation of SHM systems in wind turbines, dams, high-voltage transmission lines, railway, roadway and pedestrian bridges
- Characterisation of the aerodynamic behaviour of slender structures on the basis of in-situ measurements
- Evaluation of traffic loads and their dynamic effects for fatigue assessment of metallic bridges
- Track monitoring in railway lines
Researchers of three groups of CONSTRUCT: VIBEST, LABEST
and LESE
Prof. Elsa Caetano (ecaetano@fe.up.pt)