Research areas
- Experimental mechanical characterization of masonry walls, namely brick infills and wooden partitions, in traditional stone masonry and regular reinforced concrete buildings, including the study of low-cost strengthening systems
- Experimental and numerical characterization of the structural behaviour of stone masonry bridges
- Inventory and characterization of damages, losses and risks in built historical heritage assets due to several types of disasters (natural or not), mainly with structural and building physics emphasis.
Knowledge transfer and industry support services
- Geometric, physical and mechanical characterization of different materials, constructive typologies and existing structural/non-structural components (masonries, wooden partitions, floors…)
- Use of numerical and analytical techniques to study the structural and non-structural behaviour of traditional and heritage constructions
- Development, validation and implementation of strengthening techniques in different types of structural components of existing constructions
- Application of low-cost monitoring techniques in heritage structures, processing and management of collected information
- Assessment and management of vulnerability and risks in built heritage
- Definition, improvement and implementation of maintenance plans and management methodologies for buildings in service
Researchers of three groups of CONSTRUCT: LESE, LFC, GEQUALTEC
Prof. António Arêde (aarede@fe.up.pt)