

The organisation of CONSTRUCT includes the following entities:

(I) the SCIENTIFIC COORDINATOR, responsible for the coordination and management of the Unit resources, who chairs the Management Board and the Scientific Council;

(II) the MANAGEMENT BOARD, integrated by the Principal Investigators of all Research Groups (one of which is the Scientific Coordinator of the Research Unit), which will implement the scientific strategy approved for the R&D Unit, aiding the Scientific Coordinator with the management of the Unit resources; the Principal Investigator of each Research Group is elected by the PhD researchers of that Group;

(III) the COORDINATORS OF THEMATIC LINES, senior researchers chosen by the Management Board that coordinate the scientific contribution of the several Research Groups to each TL and that may participate, whenever needed, in the ordinary meetings of the Management Board;

(IV) the SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL, formed by all the PhD Integrated Members of CONSTRUCT, which elect the Scientific Coordinator, approve and change the Unit Rules of Procedure, approve the strategic plans and review the report of annual activities of CONSTRUCT; the Scientific Council ordinarily meets twice a year;

(V) and the EXTERNAL ADVISORY BOARD, composed by 3 prestigious foreigner researchers, which will scrutinize the Unit operation and will provide scientific advices on the plan of activities and on the report of annual activities.