

The Research Unit Institute of R&D in Structures and Construction (CONSTRUCT), classified by FCT as EXCEPTIONAL and VERY GOOD in the two last evaluation processes, was created in 2015, stemming from the merging of two previous research units both settled at the Civil Eng. Department of FEUP.

CONSTRUCT considers 6 research groups in the areas of STRUCTURES, GEOTECHNICS and CONSTRUCTION, with a total of 58 PhD integrated members in 2024, collaborating in research activities of 6 thematic lines, and using laboratories larger than 3500m2, which corresponds to the largest and best equipped laboratorial infrastructure available in Civil Engineering Departments of Portuguese Universities.

The research groups are:

• LABEST – Laboratory of the Concrete Technology and Structural Behaviour
• LESE – Laboratory of Earthquake and Structural Engineering
• VIBEST – Laboratory of Vibrations and Structural Monitoring
• GEO – Geotechnics
• LFC – Laboratory of Building Physics
• GEQUALTEC – Management and Technology of Building Construction